NewsMedics from Corona Expert Council on current Corona data:...

Medics from Corona Expert Council on current Corona data: "Miles away from reality"

The incidence in Germany is now over 900. The number of new infections continues to rise. An intensive care doctor is now sounding the alarm because of the German approach. The news ticker.

  • The Corona: The nationwide 7-day incidence is now 940.6 (see update from January 26, 6:13 a.m.).
  • New omicron subtype BA.2: current figures from Germany (update from January 26, 12:28 p.m.)
  • An intensive care doctor criticizes the collection of the corona numbers in Germany (update from January 26, 4:10 p.m.)
  • Delta variant of the corona virus also makes children more seriously ill (see update from January 26, 7.31 a.m.).
  • This news ticker about Corona in Germany is updated regularly.

Update from January 26, 7.40 p.m .: Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach has again campaigned for the introduction of a general obligation to vaccinate. If you implement these now, you will be prepared in the fall, said the SPD politician on Wednesday in the Bundestag. He refused to wait. It takes at least five to six months to implement compulsory vaccination.

“If we push the problem away from us, then the problem will come back in full force.” You can’t expect that from children, nurses, doctors and people who are at risk. “We have to take action”. Freedom is regained through vaccination, he added. “We will not come back to the life we loved and cherished without turning the spade now.”

Lauterbach spoke at the so-called orientation debate as one of the last of more than 40 speakers. He stepped up to the microphone in his role as MP. The minister had previously made it clear that as a member of parliament he supported compulsory vaccination, but as federal health minister he did not want to submit his own proposal for this and justified this with the non-partisan procedure. The plan is for the Bundestag to vote on a possible compulsory vaccination without the pressure of a parliamentary group.

Corona in Germany: Hundreds of people protest in Berlin against compulsory vaccination

Update from January 26, 5.40 p.m .: On the occasion of the debate about a possible corona vaccination requirement in the Bundestag, hundreds of demonstrators gathered on Wednesday to protest in the government district of Berlin. Around 500 participants first met at the ARD capital studio and then continued in the direction of Unter den Linden, as an AFP reporter reported. The protesters held up placards with inscriptions such as “My body, my decision – no vaccination” or “Stop vaccination blackmail”.

According to the police, “several hundred people were out and about in the city” who came together in small to medium-sized groups. A woman whose banner read “Stop this genocide – Vera Sharav Holocaust survivors” was taken away by the police in front of the ARD capital studio.

Overall, according to the police, provisional arrests were made “in the double-digit range” during the day. In the afternoon, however, only a few people were out and most of the gatherings had already broken up. Overall, according to the officials, it remained “largely trouble-free”. The police were on site with a large contingent of 1,600 emergency services. The area around the parliament building was cordoned off extensively in the morning. In the Bundestag, the members of parliament debated compulsory vaccination for the first time as part of an orientation debate. Online demonstrations were therefore called for in the government district.

Update from January 26, 4:10 p.m .: The intensive care physician Christian Karagiannidis severely criticizes the approach to the pandemic. He calls for the immediate establishment of a corona register for hospitals in Germany. “We have no idea how many operational hospital beds we have in Germany on a daily basis, how many of them are occupied and how many nurses are really available,” he told the Augsburger Allgemeine.

As a model, Karagiannidis referred to the intensive care register of the German Interdisciplinary Association for Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (DIVI), which he helped to set up. This provides information about the capacities of intensive care beds, among other things. But it is now a question of “how many corona patients are not only in the intensive care unit but also in the normal wards,” emphasized the doctor: “The official data are currently miles away from reality.”

Intensive care physician calls for corona register for clinics: status of digitization “a catastrophe”

The so-called hospitalization incidence, which is intended to warn against overloading the clinics, is actually three times higher in North Rhine-Westphalia than officially reported. “This huge difference is actually unbelievable, although a technical solution would be easy to implement,” said Karagiannidis, who is also a member of the German government’s Corona Expert Council. “In the field of clinical data, we are the most far behind industrial nation in scientific research,” he continued. The state of digitization in the German healthcare system is “a catastrophe”.

Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) wrote on Twitter that “work is already being done on the timely transmission of the data from the hospital to the RKI”. This is a task that he “immediately set” after taking office. Lauterbach also referred to data from North Rhine-Westphalia, to which Karagiannidis had pointed out, according to which hospital occupancy there is currently rising steeply and the occupancy of intensive care beds is no longer decreasing, but is showing a slight upward trend again. “This development must worry us,” Lauterbach wrote.

Corona: New omicron subtype spreads in Denmark

Update from January 26, 12:28 p.m .: The new omicron subtype scares some corona experts. In Denmark, Omikron BA.2 accounts for half of all cases.

“Because it can be observed in various countries that the proportion of BA.2 is increasing, it is assumed that BA.2 has an advantage in terms of transferability compared to BA.1,” said the Frankfurt virologist Sandra Ciesek when asked by the dpa news agency. Also, a so-called immune escape from Omikron BA.2 could lead to more and more people becoming infected with it. According to Ciesek, however, observations from Denmark suggested that there does not appear to be a great difference in the severity of the disease. Many questions are still open. Despite the high number of infections, all corona measures * will soon be dropped in neighboring Denmark.

In Germany, the omicron variant BA.1 currently dominates. According to the latest RKI weekly report, Omicron BA.1 was detected 1568 times in a sample in the first week of January. BA.2 appeared only 38 times.

Baden-Württemberg changes Corona rules

Update from January 26, 11:39 a.m .: Baden-Württemberg is relaxing its corona rules for major events. Up to 6,000 spectators are again allowed in the football stadium at the normal alarm level if the organizer applies the 2G-plus rule, Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) explained on Wednesday in the state parliament in Stuttgart. This means that visitors must be vaccinated or recovered and also tested. At concerts or similar cultural events in closed rooms, 3,000 spectators are allowed – on condition that 2G-plus is used at the entrance. B 2G is capped at 1,500. For all events, a maximum of half of the capacities may be used. This also applies to carnival celebrations. “Unfortunately, we have to prohibit outdoor moves,” said Kretschmann. Clubs will also remain closed. As of Thursday, Baden-Württemberg will drop from “Alarm Level II” to the first alarm level.

Delta variant of the corona virus also makes children more seriously ill

Update from January 26, 7:31 a.m .: The delta variant of the corona virus apparently also led to serious illnesses in children more often than the previous virus types. This is shown by patient numbers at the Hauner Children’s Hospital at the LMU Clinic in Munich. In November 2021, 14 children and adolescents were treated there – a record number, as the clinic reported on the occasion of the first corona cases in Germany two years ago. So far, a total of 60 children with Covid infection have been treated in the Hauner Children’s Hospital, 15 of them in the intensive care unit, most of them with serious previous illnesses. There is not yet any specific experience with the omicron variant in children and adolescents. “Even if some of our patients were already infected with omicron, the course was indistinguishable from that of the delta variant,” said Johannes Hübner, Deputy Director of Pediatrics at the Hauner Children’s Hospital.

RKI: nationwide incidence at 940.6

Update from January 26, 6:13 a.m .: The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reports a new high on Wednesday morning: 164,000 new corona infections have been recorded in the past 24 hours. A week ago there were 112,323 new infections recorded. 166 people died within one day from or with Corona. The death toll since the beginning of the pandemic has risen to 117,126.

The incidence is 940.6 – the highest ever. A week ago, the nationwide incidence was 584.4 (previous month: 220.7). According to experts, the number of unreported cases of positive corona cases is likely to be much higher. The test capacities and health authorities are at the limit in many places.

  • The RKI reports 164,000 new corona infections on Wednesday morning.
  • The nationwide 7-day incidence is now 940.6.
  • Another 166 corona deaths were recorded within 24 hours. The death toll thus rises to 117,126.
  • There are currently around 1,530,900 active corona cases in Germany.
  • 2,366 Covid 19 patients currently have to be treated in the intensive care units. 1350 of them are artificially ventilated. This emerges from the DIVI intensive care register.

Anger about Corona measures in professional sports – 1. FC Köln boss becomes clear – “Are they rolling dice?”

Update from January 25, 10:39 p.m .: The federal and state governments met for the Corona summit on Monday. Many changes did not come out of it. This is met with great disappointment, especially in professional sports. The return of fans to the stadiums has been postponed until February 9th. This means that the Bundesliga and other German professional leagues will continue to play in front of few or no spectators for the time being.

“There have always been complaints that football has special rights in Germany,” said Borussia Dortmund’s managing director Hans-Joachim Watzke on Monday evening in the Bild newspaper: “The opposite is exactly the case. Football is falling victim to symbolic politics.” The BVB boss announced that he was considering legal action. Cologne’s Vice President Eckhard Sauren made his opinion clear before the MPK: “750 spectators in a 50,000 stadium has nothing to do with sensible protection against infection,” he said “The Pioneer” . “Now we lose 1.7 million euros in every game with 750 spectators due to this symbolic policy,” says Sauren – and that despite open-air stadiums.

Now Alexander Wehrle, managing director at 1. FC Köln, also vented his anger. “Now that is absolutely not proportionate at all. It can no longer be explained rationally,” he said angrily to . Wehrle is also annoyed that the regulations are not uniform: “It is incomprehensible at all if 2,000 of the 2,100 possible spectators in the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg are in a closed room, and a few kilometers further in the Hamburg stadium also 2,000, because that is just the limit. Who set the 2000 in Hamburg? And who the 750 in Cologne? And who is the 1000 in Mainz?” And again clearly: “Do they actually roll dice?” Wehrle asks sarcastically.

The last few months have shown that no chains of infection have emerged at major events. And the professional clubs have proven the functionality of their hygiene concepts. “In the open air, digital traceability of the chain of infection, keeping your distance, masks, time slots upon entry and the 2G rule that we had at FC in August,” Wehrle lists all the measures.

Corona in Germany: district is moving away from work-related corona vaccination

Update from January 25, 9:13 p.m .: For mid-March, the federal government is planning compulsory vaccination for employees of nursing homes and hospitals. But one district is already giving up. Vorpommern-Greifswald has announced that it will not apply the regulation. You can see that “with all the other corona-related measures that we have been taking for two years, the health department and also large parts of the administration are completely busy,” said district spokesman Achim Froitzheim on Tuesday evening. “We can therefore not fulfill the control and enforcement of this facility-related vaccination requirement.”

“If tasks are now added on top, we simply can no longer do them.” The district is not entitled to assess the corresponding vaccination obligation with a view to a possible shortage of nursing staff. “That has to be clarified at the federal and state level,” said Froitzheim. According to feedback from old people’s and nursing homes, which are subject to the home supervision of the district, it is assumed that around 20 percent of the employees have not yet been vaccinated against the corona virus.

Update from January 25, 9:01 p.m.: Travel should become easier across the EU (see update from January 25, 5:45 p.m.). But alongside this decision, today’s EU agreement has unleashed chaos around the recovered status. The RKI decided just a week ago to reduce the validity of proof after a corona infection to three months. However, the EU has now agreed on 180 days, i.e. six months. Does Lauterbach have to row back now?

Corona in Germany: EU decision will probably make traveling much easier

Update from January 25, 5:45 p.m .: In Baden-Württemberg and Lower Saxony, the 2G rule was partially overturned. EU-wide there are now also relaxations when traveling. In the future, a valid EU Corona certificate for travel in the EU should be more important than the infection process in the country of departure. The EU states agreed on Tuesday that from February 1st it should no longer be decisive where a trip starts from – but whether there is a valid vaccination, test or recovery certificate.

Reisen könnte für Geimpfte und Genesene bald EU-weit ohne zusätzlichen Test möglich sein (Symbolbild).


It could soon be possible for those who have been vaccinated and those who have recovered to travel across the EU without an additional test (symbolic image).

A PCR test should be carried out no earlier than 72 hours before the trip, and a rapid test 24 hours. A recovery certificate should be valid for 180 days. Anyone who does not have a certificate should take a test upon arrival. There are exceptions for children. There shouldn’t be any additional restrictions. A spokesman for the EU Commission emphasized: “The least we can all expect is that the member states will implement this recommendation.”

Corona in Germany: No additional test when traveling in the EU?

There are currently additional regulations in some countries. To enter Italy from Austria, a negative test is also required for basic immunization. “Travellers who are in possession of a valid EU digital corona certificate should not be subject to additional restrictions on their freedom to travel,” the 27 member states said in a statement. An additional test should be omitted. In view of the Omicron variant, which is widespread throughout Europe, this step is appropriate.

Corona in Germany: Baden-Württemberg overturns 2G rule for retail

Update from January 25, 3:24 p.m .: The Baden-Württemberg Administrative Court overturned the 2G rule for retail. The VGH announced on Tuesday in Mannheim that the freezing of alarm level II by the Corona regulation of the state government is likely to be illegal. This means that in retail, people with a current test can shop in stores again, in addition to those who have been vaccinated and those who have recovered.

„Ab sofort kein 2G mehr“ ist im Fenster eines Bekleidungsgeschäftes zu lesen.


In Baden-Württemberg, the 2G rule in retail has now also been overturned. (icon picture)

Corona in Germany: Lower Saxony overturns 2G rule for outdoor sports

In Lower Saxony, the Lüneburg Higher Administrative Court (OVG) suspended the 2G regulation for the use of outdoor sports facilities. As the court announced on Tuesday, the 14th Senate granted an urgent request from a golfer who has not been vaccinated or recovered. The regulation in the Corona Ordinance is not compatible with the general principle of equality. The decision is final. Although this means that the regulation for team sports has also been repealed, the judges decided that it could be prescribed.

The 2G rule for the use of outdoor sports facilities is inappropriate and a constitutionally unjustified encroachment on the general freedom of action. According to the court, when practicing sports with a large number of physically strenuous people in closed rooms, there is a significantly increased risk of infection, which justifies restricting access to vaccinated and recovered people. When using sports facilities in the open air, such a significantly increased risk of infection cannot always be identified. Without a doubt, it exists where team sports are practiced that cannot be expected to comply with a distance requirement or a mask requirement – for example football, basketball. In the opinion of the OVG, however, there is no increased risk of infection when practicing individual sports in the open air.

Corona: Biontech starts clinical study on Omicron vaccine

Update from January 25, 12:53 p.m .: Biontech/Pfizer starts a first clinical study for its Omicron vaccine. The pharmaceutical company from Mainz and its US partner announced on Tuesday that the safety, tolerability and effectiveness of the vaccine candidate should be tested. The study will include up to 1,420 test subjects, who will be divided into three groups.

Bayern again allows up to 10,000 spectators in the football stadium

Update from January 25, 12:31 p.m .: Bavaria again allows up to 10,000 spectators in the Bundesliga and at other sporting events. There is also an absolute upper limit of 10,000 spectators for concerts. The 2G-plus rules and an FFP2 mask requirement continue to apply.

In addition, twice as many spectators will be allowed to attend cultural events in Bavaria as before. In theatres, cinemas and other cultural events, audience occupancy rates of up to 50 percent will be allowed again from Thursday – previously it was 25 percent. The cabinet decided on Tuesday.

Novavax: Delivery date for Germany is set

Update from January 25, 9.40 a.m .: The delivery date for the Novavax vaccine doses has been set. The first 1.4 million doses are scheduled to ship in the week beginning February 21. This is reported by the time and refers to the Federal Ministry of Health. Germany is expected to receive 3.8 million doses of Nuvaxovid by March 20th.

The protein vaccine from Novavax* is considered an alternative to the mRNA vaccines from Moderna and Biontech/Pfizer. Unvaccinated employees in clinics or in care should be offered the Novavax vaccine “preferably”. Vaccination is mandatory for staff in hospitals and nursing homes from March 15th.

Because: PCR prioritization could take weeks

Update from January 25, 9.33 a.m .: According to the Prime Minister of Lower Saxony, Stephan Weil (SPD), the prioritization of clinical staff and risk patients for PCR tests decided at the Corona summit could still take “a few weeks”. In order to be able to assess the infection process despite the new test strategy, other factors must be taken into account, Weil told NDR.

In an interview with the NDR, Weil referred to the antigen tests that are carried out at test stations. These too must be included in the test strategy, he demanded. But this had to “first be discussed calmly and in detail,” Weil continued.

Corona summit: Söder dissatisfied with the federal-state round

Update from January 25, 8.45 a.m .: The prioritization of the PCR tests that has now been decided means that from this point on the government has “no idea” “how high the number of infections really is,” said Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) on Monday evenings in the ARD “Tagesthemen”. Meanwhile, the corona incidence reached a new record.

“We were surprised and annoyed,” Söder continued. The impending test shortage is “not a strong sign for logistics and material procurement in Germany”. In his opinion, the discussions with the state colleagues and Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) were overall “unsatisfactory because we only postponed it again”.

Omicron wave is picking up speed: Incidence in Germany at almost 900

First report from January 25, 2022

Berlin – The omicron wave in Germany is picking up speed. The 7-day incidence on Tuesday morning was 894.3, which is a new high (previous day: 840.3). In the past 24 hours, 126,955 new corona infections and 214 further deaths have been recorded at the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). This emerges from the data of the Covid 19 dashboard of the RKI. Experts assume that the number of unreported cases of corona is large. The test capacities in Germany are increasingly reaching their limit and the health authorities can hardly keep up with their work.

RKI: Incidence in Berlin just under 1,600

The incidence* is already above the 1,000 mark in five federal states: Berlin (1,593.5), Hamburg (1,547.4), Bremen (1,496.3), Brandenburg (1,194.8) and Hesse (1,025.4). The value is lowest in Thuringia with 310.8.

Corona case numbers in Germany (as of January 25, 2022)

  • The 7-day incidence in Germany is currently 894.3.
  • According to the RKI, 126,955 new corona infections and 214 other deaths have been recorded in the past 24 hours.
  • According to the RKI, there are currently around 1,423,700 active corona cases.
  • According to the DIVI intensive care register, 2,404 Covid 19 patients have to be treated in an intensive care unit. 1,379 of them are artificially ventilated.

Corona in Germany: PCR tests are becoming scarce

PCR tests are still considered the “gold standard” for detecting a corona infection. But the laboratory capacities are becoming scarce in view of the exploding number of infections. The test strategy should therefore be adjusted. There should be a prioritization for PCR tests. In the future, they will primarily be used for people from corona risk groups and employees who care for and treat them. According to the currently applicable test regulation, for example, anyone with a positive rapid test is still entitled to a post-PCR test.

Lauterbach defends new test strategy

Certified rapid antigen tests should be sufficient for free testing from contact person quarantine or infected isolation, but they are considered less reliable. Are rapid tests sufficiently reliable? Lauterbach said on Monday evening in the ARD: “If two antigen tests are positive in a row, then that’s almost as safe as a PCR test.” It only happens “very rarely” that they deliver a wrong result. (ml, dpa) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

List of rubrics: © Sebastian Gollnow/dpa

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