NewsMeteorologists: Historic heat in Greece

Meteorologists: Historic heat in Greece

There are forest fires in many regions of Italy, just like in Turkey. Meteorologists in Greece expect historic heat. Southern Europe doctors under extreme heat.

Athens – Greece continues to experience a severe and prolonged heat wave.

After values around 43 degrees had been measured in places in the past three days, according to weather experts, the thermometers should show up to 46 degrees during the day on the weekend and the whole of the coming week. Also on Rhodes it should be hot next Tuesday with temperatures around 44 degrees. At night it stays hot, especially in the metropolitan areas, with temperatures above 30 degrees. Some meteorologists have already spoken of a “historic heat wave” on the radio.

The Greek civil defense was put on high alert after an emergency meeting late on Friday evening. Additional air-conditioned tents and containers were made available in the registration camps for migrants on the islands in the east of the Aegean. The cities opened air-conditioned halls for residents who do not have air conditioning at home. Working outdoors should be reduced as much as possible, the Ministry of Labor said. Animal welfare associations called on the residents to provide water for stray animals in shady places and to refill the water bowls over and over again.

Doctors advised everyone not to be in the blazing sun and not to drink alcohol. One should shower more often and wear light, loose cotton clothes. It was not clear on Saturday when the heat wave would subside. Some meteorologists feared this dangerous situation could last for up to two weeks. dpa

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