NewsMichael Wendler sets terrible conditions for his return to...

Michael Wendler sets terrible conditions for his return to Germany

Michael Wendler wants to return to Germany. His wife Laura Müller and comedian Oliver Pocher play a major role in this.

Dinslaken / Florida – Michael Wendler (49) has not visited his homeland in Germany for around a year. Since the singer quit his job as a juror at DSDS (RTL), it almost seems as if he is living in exile with Laura Müller (21) in Florida. Michael Wendler is now announcing a return to Germany, reports RUHR24 *.

Surname Michael Wendler
Born June 22, 1972 (age 49), Dinslaken
Spouse Laura Müller (married 2020), Claudia Norberg (married 2009-2020)
children Adeline Norberg

Michael Wendler back in Germany soon? Singer makes announcement

Michael Wendler’s career as a pop singer seems to have ended at the latest since he began sharing crude theories about corona politics and other conspiracy myths on Telegram. Now he seems to be planning his comeback: “I never intended to end my career. Only others have always said that, “Wendler said in an interview with Bild .

Allegedly, the singer already has new songs up his sleeve and big plans for the coming year. “Maybe there will be concerts again in 2022 and most likely my new album will come out at the same time. My career is only just beginning, ”continues Wendler.

He is sure that in 2022 he will be able to “work fully musically” again. Because: “My passion is and will always be music”. The singer is convinced that he can build on his old successes (read more current news about celebrities from NRW * at RUHR24).

Michael Wendler could return to Germany – he has one condition

Michael Wendler is best known in Germany, and most of his songs are also written in German. Trying to re-launch a music career from the US could be difficult. But that is apparently out of the question for the singer: “Yes, I’m coming back to Germany,” he announced to Bild . Michael Wendler’s place of residence should remain the USA *.

There he is currently leading a luxury life with Laura Müller, although the tax office in Germany demands one million euros from him. When Michael Wendler would like to settle this debt, he also revealed to the picture. And he is to a certain extent dependent on his archenemy Oliver Pocher (43). This is said to have high betting debts with Laura Müller.

Zu sehen sind der skeptisch zur rechten Seite blickende Schlagersänger Michael Wendler sowie der Comedian Oliver Pocher.


Michael Wendler is a regular topic in Oliver Pocher’s podcast.

Oliver Pocher owes Laura Müller: Michael Wendler has a plan

In the joint podcast with his wife Amira Pocher (29), Oliver Pocher said about Müller last year: “I bet a million euros that she will not be with him in five years. If they’re still together in five years, I’ll pay her a million ”.

A statement that Michael Wendler has apparently stuck in his mind. “Laura and I stay together forever. And in four years I will ask Oliver Pocher the one million euros that he publicly bet on my wife Laura separating from me. And with that I pay the tax office at the latest, “says Wendler. Does the singer only use his wife to pay off his debts in the foreseeable future?

Whether Oliver Pocher was serious about his bet remains to be seen. So far, the comedian has reacted ambiguously to Michael Wendler’s announcement. In his Instagram story, Pocher shared excerpts from the current interview and commented “Four long years” with laughing emojis. * RUHR24 is part of the IPPEN.MEDIA editorial network.

List of rubric lists: © Jan Woitas / Henning Kaiser / dpa; Collage: RUHR24

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