NewsPorpoise died off Grömitz: death from mass petting

Porpoise died off Grömitz: death from mass petting

A strictly protected harbor porpoise dies after intensive contact with humans. The public prosecutor’s office is investigating.

Lübeck – The police and the public prosecutor’s office are investigating several strangers because they may have been responsible for the death of a strictly protected harbor porpoise on the Baltic Sea beach. According to previous knowledge, several adults are said to have encircled and held the small whale in front of Grömitz, the press spokeswoman for the Lübeck public prosecutor announced on Thursday (July 15, 2021).

They are said to have called more than 20 children into the water, who are said to have held, hugged and petted the marine mammal. The animal is said to have grown weaker and weaker shortly afterwards and finally perished.

Dead porpoise: cause of death due to mass pranks is under investigation

A section of the dead whale revealed that it had heartworms and lung worms, the spokeswoman said. However, since it cannot be ruled out that the strictly protected animal had perished through intensive contact with people, investigations are now being carried out on suspicion of violating the Federal Nature Conservation Act, according to the public prosecutor’s office. Witnesses to the incident on July 9, 2021 are asked to report to the Fehmarn water police. (ktho / dpa)

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