NewsQueen Donates "Generously" to Ukraine Disaster Relief

Queen Donates "Generously" to Ukraine Disaster Relief

The British Queen followed a call for donations for the people of Ukraine – with money from her private assets. Nothing is known about the amount.

Windsor – Queen Elizabeth II (95) followed a call for donations from British aid organizations for Ukraine. As the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) announced via Twitter, the Queen is said to have made a “generous donation”.

At the request of the German Press Agency on Friday, however, the palace did not want to say how high the sum was. A spokeswoman said it was a private donation. The DEC includes the British Red Cross and the organization Oxfam. The money is intended to benefit people who had to leave their homes and apartments because of the Russian attack on Ukraine.

According to media reports, heir to the throne Prince Charles (73) and Duchess Camilla (74) have already made donations to help those affected by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. dpa

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