Economyreality vs. AMLO's "other economic data"

reality vs. AMLO's "other economic data"

Annual, biannual, three-year, semi-annual, quarterly and even 2018 figures. President Andrés Manuel López Obrador launched comparisons of numbers in his most recent government report on Thursday afternoon to convince the population that the economy and the pocket of people have already recovered from the effects of the pandemic.

The president assured that “we are moving forward, as the results show. “Our economy fell, but we have already managed to recover pre-Covid levels.”

Below we present some of the achievements that the president boasted in economic matters in his message to the nation.

1. What the president said: There are 21.23 million workers registered with Social Security, 623,330 more than before the pandemic.

What the most recent data says : 21.08 million employees are reported to the IMSS until the end of July.

2. What the president said: inequality and poverty have been reduced. In 2018 the richest earned on average 18 times more than the poor. In 2020, inequality was reduced to 16 times, according to Inegi data.

What the most recent data says: in 2018, poverty affected 41.9% of the population, in 2020 the percentage was 43.9%, according to figures from the National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy (Coneval).

3. What the president said: From 2018 to 2020, the income of older adults went from 12,420 pesos per quarter on average per person , to 13,586 pesos

What the most recent data says: Welfare pensions in 2019 were delivered bimonthly 1,275 pesos and this year the amount is 3,850 pesos every two months.

4. What the president said: The fight against corruption, privileges and the eradication of luxuries in the government have made it possible to have around 2.4 billion additional pesos. Canceling the forgiveness of taxes for large taxpayers and combating tax evasion has meant excess income for the Public Treasury of 1.7 billion pesos.

What the most recent data says : In the first half of the current year, the SAT has collected 1.13 billion pesos for tax collection from large taxpayers.

5. What the president says: Fighting the huachicol has stopped a leak of 200,000 million pesos.

What the most recent data says: In 2019 , the government estimated savings of 160,000 million pesos.

6. What the president says: We have achieved financial stability without raising taxes, raising fuel prices without indebting the country.

What the most recent data says: containing inflation via the gasoline subsidy has implied a cost of 166,409 million pesos at the end of the first half of the year. The Treasury estimates that this expense will approach half a billion pesos by the end of the year.

7. What the president said: Without the gasoline subsidies, inflation would have reached 14% and the average real salary of 8,943 pesos would have dropped to 7,900 pesos, a loss of 12%.

What the most recent data says: According to the Treasury, inflation would have reached 10% without the gasoline subsidies. The variation of the national consumer price index was 8.62% in the first fortnight of August 2022 at an annual rate and the Bank of Mexico estimates that it will be in this month when it reaches its maximum level.

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