The Day of the Dead is approaching, which means the cessation of activities in different sectors. In the case of banking services, the National Banking and Securities Commission is in charge of issuing the calendar in which these institutions will close their doors. If you need to carry out banking procedures this November 1 and 2, we will tell you if the banks will provide services or not.
Banks work November 1 and 2
According to the calendar published in the Official Gazette of the Federation, which establishes the days on which credit institutions must close their doors and suspend operations during 2022, this November 1 the banks will work regularly.
In the case of November 2, which this year falls on a Wednesday, the banks will suspend work. During this month, banking institutions will close their doors once again: on the 21st. According to the calendar of the Association of Banks of Mexico, this is in commemoration of November 20.
Are they official days?
November 1 and 2 are not official rest days established in the Federal Labor Law (LFT), however, several work centers and schools choose to give the day 2 within the framework of the Day of the Dead celebrations.
In the case of the suspension of work for November 21, it is contemplated in the LFT, which establishes that the third Monday of November is a mandatory rest day in commemoration of November 20.
Bank hours on Day of the Dead
On Tuesday, November 1, the banks work regularly and on the 2nd they will not open. However, ATMs and online banking work as usual.
What other days are banks not open?
After the breaks in November, towards the end of the year only two more days are expected without work in banking institutions; They will be December 12 and 25.