NewsRussia: gas explosions tear gigantic holes in the ground

Russia: gas explosions tear gigantic holes in the ground

In Siberia, more and more huge holes are opening up after underground gas explosions. According to experts, the risk of further explosions continues to increase.

Moscow – The earth opens up in Siberia. Huge craters are formed on the Jamal and Gydan peninsulas, which lie next to each other in northwestern Russia. In total there are already 20 holes in the ground, more than 30 meters deep and up to a hundred meters in diameter. According to the experts, their number will increase in the coming months and years.

The holes are created by underground gas explosions. It is “pure luck” that no one has died in the process. Evgeny Chuvilin told the American Vice magazine. Chuvilin is a leading scientist at the “Skoltech Center for Hydrocarbon Production” in Moscow and analyzes the changing climatic conditions in the arctic regions of Siberia.

Gas explosions in Russia – huge holes threaten settlements in Siberia

Some of the holes were found just a few kilometers away from settlements in Russia *, says Chuvilin. One would have to reckon with further explosions of this kind, especially on the Yamal Peninsula. Under the permafrost there are huge methane deposits that are relatively close to the surface.

The first hole was found back in 2014. At least 19 more have been added since then. According to the experts, the significant increase in gas explosions in the north of Russia is due to climate change *. This ensures that the otherwise frozen ground in the area warms up. The “caps” that lie over the gas bubbles soften and can no longer withstand the pressure. In addition, the tension in the caps decreases, they sag, increase the pressure on the methane and ultimately trigger the explosion.

Russia: The risk of gas explosions continues to increase

And the situation in Russia is getting worse rather than better. “We assume that there may be explosive gas emissions in Yamal and Gydan for a while, considering that the permafrost is thawing due to global warming and creates a favorable environment for explosive gas emissions from the upper permafrost layers,” says Chuvilin about the Situation in Siberia. His team will now collect more information about the nature of the crater by drilling holes near the crater. The aim is to better understand the explosions and their causes so that future crater formations can be better predicted. (Daniel Dillmann) * is an offer in IPPEN.MEDIA

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