EconomyFinancialSanctions for $ 1,469 million have been imposed by...

Sanctions for $ 1,469 million have been imposed by the Supertransportation to airlines

In the last two years, the entity has received 14,849 PQRD (petitions, complaints and claims) of which 90.21% have been managed.

In compliance with the standards established in the National Development Plan, the Superintendency of Transportation has formulated 58 statements of charges and has issued 11 sanctioning decisions to airlines.

The sanctions exceed $ 1,469 million and five appeals for replacement have been resolved confirming the sanctions imposed, the report states.

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“During these two years in which we have had the competence to act as an authority in the protection of the rights of users of the air transport service, the Superintendency has accompanied users, businessmen, and national authorities,” said the superintendent of Transportation, Camilo Pabón Almanza.

In the last two years, the entity has received 14,849 PQRD (petitions, complaints and claims) of which 90.21% have been managed.

According to the control entity of the transport sector, the three main reasons for filing for which users file their complaints against the airlines are itinerary changes, with 36.54%; reimbursements, with 35.41%, and those associated with the loss of flights, which represent 8.39%.

Likewise, 58 tender documents have been formulated for issues related to alleged inclusion of abusive clauses in transport contracts, deficient information to users, refunds, electronic commerce, flight cancellation, misleading advertising, damage to luggage, not providing the information required by the authority and, transportation of pets.

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