FunAstrologySummer interview (ARD): Markus Söder relies on “Red Socks...

Summer interview (ARD): Markus Söder relies on “Red Socks Campaign” 2.0

CSU boss Söder is optimistic. In the ARD summer interview, he dutifully warned against a “left slide”.

Berlin – When the Union heralded the final spurt of the election campaign on August 21 – Armin Laschet (CDU) had just confused Mogadishu with Landshut – Markus Söder, aka candidate for chancellor, gave his heart a combative. He “didn’t feel like opposition”, he let the insecure crowd of supporters know; it must now be “finally fought sensibly”.

“Our motto is stability and renewal. Confident and committed, sexy and solid, we show what we can “, Söder even announced on Twitter, although this prospect might have frightened some eligible voters. At least the CDU / CSU is, according to current opinion polls, still lubricated and currently ranks behind the SPD and Olaf Scholz.

Markus Söder: As King of Bavaria in a comfortable position

Söder could not really care, after all, he is set as King of Bavaria. In the ARD summer interview, four weeks before the federal election in 2021, he is still compulsively optimistic; a trend reversal towards a “strong union” is still possible: “Everything is possible.”

Söder never tires of emphasizing that Armin Laschet Chancellor “can … [and] will also lead Germany well”, even if he argues that a “left slide for Germany” is a key pro-Laschet argument. And communicated as it were, that under a Chancellor Scholz, alongside the Greens, “a left-wing party would be in government for the first time”. What are the consequences? Right, “instability due to a weakening of the Bundeswehr” and “exit from NATO”, not to forget the “idea of a state that forces people to educate, which is a clear rejection of freedom”.

Markus Söder insinuates that Olaf Scholz “ruled to the left”

Um, without wanting to offend Mr. Söder, the left are currently 6 to 7 percent. Even if the extremely unlikely event occurs that the Social Democrats, with Scholz, bring the left into government responsibility, membership in NATO is likely to remain in place in the future. What Söder is doing here, he accuses the election campaign elsewhere, namely not being content-oriented. To assume that Scholz “ruled to the left” in Hamburg – despite the use of emetics or police violence at the G20 – is exactly that.

Or the revival of the “Red Socks Campaign” of 1994, which its General Secretary Markus Blume has already announced to Springer: “The SPD and the Greens will not hesitate for a second to form a coalition with the SED successor party Die Linke. That is why it is now about stability instead of shifting to the left. We will post that across the board. ”Fun fact on the side: Not only the Left Party is contributing to a“ left slide ”, but also the FDP in the case of a traffic light coalition. At least a “half”. Let’s leave it that way.

Söder celebrates himself and his Bavarians

By “committed, solid and sexy”, Söder seems to mean the old tricks from the 90s, supplemented by a bit of AfD content that Laschet has already parroted dutifully. Because of course, given the situation in Afghanistan, it is a core task not to repeat “the mistake of 2015″, but rather to support the neighboring countries, on which the people simply do not step on European soil (Scholz wants that too, by the way, only he lets the ” 2015 “wisely gone). One does not want to “be heartless … but not issue a blank check”, blablabla. The black-red government has long since adopted a humanitarian policy towards people on the run, so no one has to pretend for tactical reasons that a situation similar to that of six years ago is imminent.

What else? Markus Söder celebrates Bavaria in terms of climate and dictates to the Greens straight away what is not possible in the case of a coalition: for example, speed limits or flight bans, after all, they do not want to “cut back the delicate little plant economy”. After all, we have known since this summer interview that Markus Söder is not ashamed of Andreas Scheuer. In this sense: Everything is still there.

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