Tim Schafer

Psychonauts, the brave and surreal debut of Double Fine

There are great games and cult classics that are far from being a commercial success. Psychonauts, the first Double Fine game, is one of them. Y...

Day of the Tentacle, the coronation of LucasArts in the sweetest moment of the golden age of Graphic Adventures

It doesn't matter that almost three decades have already passed: I keep looking at my box of Day of the Tentacle gawking. With the same illusion with which I was invaded the day ...

The best PS2 games according to the best developers

This week has marked the tenth anniversary of the launch of the legendary PS2 in the United States and to celebrate the most important developers ...


Schedules of the Valencia GP of MotoGP in Cheste and how to see it

The Cheste circuit hosts this weekend, from November 4 to 6, the 2022 MotoGP Comunitat Valenciana GP. See the schedules and all the information.

"Don't talk to me!": Danni Büchner makes a clear announcement to hated party guests

Danni Büchner is invited to Sam Dylan's Halloween party. But the "Goodbye Germany" emigrant has no desire for many other party guests. And find clear words.

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