FunCultural"The Chicago Seven Trial", or when citizens are condemned...

"The Chicago Seven Trial", or when citizens are condemned for their ideas

By 1968, the United States was living in troubled times. Some social sectors argued the need for change and demonstrated to achieve it. The discussion of ideas around justice and non-violence moved the fibers of some citizens, among them 'The Chicago Seven', who tried to explore new ways of relating in the midst of democracy, while saying “no” to the Vietnam War.

The (medical) syndromes of Disney characters

The empire created by the brothers Walter and Roy Disney from their animated films also allows us to approach some psychological disorders.

Heartstopper: mental health and bullying when 'coming out'

heartstopper, the series that addresses issues as difficult as bullying, sexual diversity, mental health or eating disorders in the LGTBI world

Heartstopper: mental health and bullying when 'coming out'

heartstopper, the series that addresses issues as difficult as bullying, sexual diversity, mental health or eating disorders in the LGTBI world

The Tyrannosaurus rex in cinema and culture

The most famous dinosaur has appeared in all formats of fiction.

The Tyrannosaurus rex in cinema and culture

The most famous dinosaur has appeared in all formats of fiction.
