NewsThe driver of the death drive in Belgium was...

The driver of the death drive in Belgium was drunk

After the car accident that killed six at a carnival event in Belgium, the victims are to be commemorated on Tuesday. Now the authorities have also announced the results of an alcohol test.

La Louvière – The driver of the car that crashed into a crowd in Belgium was drunk. According to the investigators, the alcohol value was just above the legal limit, as reported by the Belga news agency.

In Belgium, as in Germany, this is 0.5 per thousand. It was not immediately known whether other drugs were involved.

His car crashed into a crowd at a carnival event in Strépy-Bracquegnies on Sunday. Six people died, ten were still in critical condition on Monday. The exact cause of the incident was still unclear on Monday. A spokesman for the public prosecutor’s office had already said on Sunday morning that there was no evidence of a terrorist background.

Investigations into murder

According to Belga, the man is said to have described himself as a speeder on the Internet. In addition, his driver’s license had been revoked in the past, but he had passed all the necessary tests to regain it. The pre-trial detention of the driver and passenger ends tomorrow morning. Until then, a decision must be made on an arrest warrant. According to the information, a murder is currently being determined, but this could still change.

In the center of the village of Strépy-Bracquegnies, balloons are supposed to rise into the sky in the early evening. Then the three-day carnival celebrations should have ended in the place.

Investigators also hoped to gain insights from examining the car, in particular why the car drove into the crowd without braking. It is about the question of whether a technology to prevent collisions has been deactivated, as an investigator said according to Belga on television. dpa

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Car crashes into a crowd in Belgium: Six dead – more details are known

A car crashes into a group of people at a carnival event in Strépy-Bracquegnies. There are several dead and many injured.

"Day of Mourning" – Investigations after a death drive in Belgium

Horrible end to a carnival event: At least six people die in Belgium when a driver drives into a group of people. Initially, there was no evidence of a terrorist act.

Car crashes into a crowd in Belgium: Six dead – more details are known

A car crashes into a group of people at a carnival event in Strépy-Bracquegnies. There are several dead and many injured.

Belgium: Car drives into a group of people – at least four dead

A car crashes into a group of people at a carnival event in Strépy-Bracquegnies. There are several dead and many injured.
