EconomyFinancialThe national company that wants Mexico to manufacture satellites

The national company that wants Mexico to manufacture satellites

The aerospace industry accelerates along with technological development. Companies like Starlink, owned by Elon Musk, and Amazon, owned by Jeff Bezos, are some of those that have started the aerospace race to detonate this sector through the launch of satellites. And the Mexican Thrusters Unlimited does not want the country to be left behind.

The use of satellites has become more relevant for governments, using them for security purposes, monitoring climate change or natural disasters, such as floods or fires, for connectivity and space exploration.

Thrusters Unlimited, a geoinformation company through the operation of earth observation satellites, wants to become the first satellite manufacturer in the country, taking advantage of the already existing manufacturing ecosystem, to meet the enormous demand worldwide. And it is that manufacturing a satellite takes an average of two years and requires an average investment of up to 30 million euros.

“There are currently 4,800 spacecraft between satellites, probes, bases and space stations that are active, and Starlink alone plans to launch 4,000 satellites in the coming years. This tells you how much manufacturing is going to be required, and many of these projects are already in trouble because they are not having the capacity to produce satellites at the required speed”, explains Benjamín Najar Jr., CEO of Thrusters Unlimited.

However, manufacturing satellites in Mexico is complicated due to the lack of a legal framework, which is why, until now, Earth observation services have only been purchased from foreign companies. Najar comments that he is working with the Science and Technology Commission of Congress and with the Mexican Space Agency (AEM) to design the conditions needed to manufacture this technology. In addition, he has proposed to the government to create space ports for launches.

“This process has already begun, it has already been submitted to Congress to change articles that allow space products to be made in Mexico and, once that series of articles is approved, it can be manufactured. We estimate that within two years we can already count on part of the supply chains and infrastructure and be able to manufacture satellites in the country”, assures the manager.

Meanwhile, Thrusters Unlimited, which has two satellites in orbit, is developing its manufacturing project at the facilities of its partner Geosat, in Portugal, to later do so in Mexico. Najar anticipates that the launch of the project may be ready in 2024, for which he has raised capital of approximately 100 million euros, with Specter Air Capital and Geosat.

In addition, it has an agreement with the AEM to offer its earth observation services and is working with the Agency to create a constellation of satellites that will be ready by 2040.

“The demand for launches can be met by Mexico if it develops launch ports, since it has an incomparable geographical position due to its proximity to Ecuador and the ease of integrating into space orbits. Currently, there are only six places to make these launches, which will increase in demand in the following years and there will be no supply”, he specifies.

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