NewsThe number of corona deaths increases compared to the...

The number of corona deaths increases compared to the previous week – but new values also give hope

According to the RKI, the incidence of corona cases in Germany is falling again. But relaxation is not in sight. On Thursday the federal and state governments will adopt new rules. All information in the news ticker.

  • The corona incidence fell for the third day in a row, but the situation remains tense.
  • The RKI reports more than 73,000 new infections and almost 400 deaths (update December 2, 6:13 p.m.).
  • On Thursday (December 2nd) the federal and state governments will meet for the renewed Corona summit. You will decide on new measures.
  • This news ticker is continuously updated.

Update from December 2, 7.15 a.m .: Today there will be another corona summit (see also first report) . The goal is a common strategy in the fight against the fourth corona wave. It’s about tightening corona measures – that much is clear. Details on the new rules are to be worked out this Thursday. Unvaccinated people must expect sensitive restrictions. It concerns the following points:

  • Extension of the 2G rules to the retail sector.
  • Mask requirement in schools.
  • Major events.
  • Contact restrictions for everyone – the number of people is initially unclear. However, if an unvaccinated person is present at a meeting, he may only meet with one other household. The number of people should be limited to 2. Children and young people under the age of 14 are excluded
  • General compulsory vaccination. Shortly before the Corona summit, Prime Minister Markus Söder brought vaccination for children into play.
  • More speed with vaccinations.

The number of corona deaths increases compared to the previous week – are vaccinations required and lockdown coming?

Update from December 2, 6:13 a.m .: Is it already a positive trend? The Germany-wide corona incidence fell again for the third time. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported a value of 439.2 on Thursday morning. A high of 452.4 was reached on Monday, the value was 452.2 on Tuesday and 442.9 on Wednesday.

RKI: Corona incidence drops to 438.2

date Monday 29 November 2021 Tuesday, December 30th, 2021 Wednesday December 1, 2021 Thursday, December 2, 2021 Previous month
RKI incidence nationwide 439.2 452.2 442.9 439.2 154.5

73,209 new corona infections were recorded within 24 hours (previous week: 75,961 new corona infections). However, according to experts, the number of unreported cases in the current fourth corona wave is large. Experts assume a significantly higher infection rate.

388 people died in connection with a Sars-CoV-2 infection within one day. A week ago there were 351 deaths. The number of corona deaths rose to 102,178 on Thursday morning since the pandemic began.

4,664 Covid patients have to be treated in the intensive care units in Germany. Of these, 2,439 are artificially ventilated. That comes from the data of the DIVI intensive register on Thursday morning.

Corona summit wants “extensive contact restrictions”: Will there be a lockdown and mandatory vaccination tomorrow?

Berlin – At the beginning of the week, the incidence in Germany fell for two days in a row *. The good news was quickly overshadowed, however: On Wednesday (December 1), the Robert Koch Institute * (RKI) reported a sharp increase in corona * deaths. In addition, the Omikron variant *, which is classified as worrying, ensures alertness.

With this mixture in mind, the federal and state governments will meet again on Thursday, just two days after the last deliberations. After no new measures were decided on Tuesday, the course is now to be set for the coming days, weeks and months at the renewed Corona summit. Germany is heading towards broad contact restrictions and compulsory vaccinations. This is shown by a draft resolution that is available to Münchner Merkur *.

Corona in Germany: Summit of the federal and state governments is pending – “extensive contact restrictions”

Bundeskanzler unter sich: Olaf Scholz und Angela Merkel empfangen am Donnerstag, 2. Dezember die Länderchefs zum Corona-Gipfel.


Chancellor among themselves: Olaf Scholz and Angela Merkel will receive the country leaders for the Corona summit on Thursday, December 2nd.

The possible corona measures were discussed by the federal and state governments on Tuesday. After the round, “extensive contact restrictions, especially for the unvaccinated, including at private meetings” were announced. “The expansion of the 2G rules to the retail trade and restrictions on major events” is also to come. The resolutions on this will probably be taken on Thursday. *

“Many measures are now being taken that are now important to reduce contacts,” said Chancellor-designate Olaf Scholz (SPD), who, along with the outgoing incumbent Angela Merkel * (CDU), had participated in the talks on Tuesday evening ARD – “Topics of the Day”. Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania’s Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) spoke out on Wednesday, in addition to the introduction of the 2G rule in retail, for the restrictions on family celebrations at Christmas.

Corona summit of the federal and state governments: Will vaccination be compulsory on Thursday?

Schwesig went on the ZDF – “Morgenmagazin” with a view to the Christmas season “firmly on the assumption” that the 2G rule in retail will be passed across Germany on Thursday. With the exception of supermarkets, unvaccinated people “should then no longer go shopping so easily.” There would also no longer be large family celebrations with 50 people, she said. She also called for 2G-plus (vaccinated, recovered and tested) for restaurants and the closure of clubs and discos.

A general compulsory vaccination is now to be initiated. To this end, Scholz announced a legislative procedure * “promptly”. Government spokesman Steffen Seibert announced that “in addition to facility-related vaccination requirements, a prompt decision on general vaccination requirements is also being prepared”. North Rhine-Westphalia’s Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst (CDU) welcomes the compulsory vaccination. Because the difficult pandemic situation was mainly caused by the unvaccinated, he said. In parts of the FDP, Scholz’s project continues to meet with skepticism. Will the decision be made on Thursday? (jo / AFP) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

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