FunCulturalThe other who is also a life and never...

The other who is also a life and never a hindrance

The virtual platform "You, me, us and the other" confronts us with our most everyday behaviors in public space, with the harmful idea that the street or, rather, the territory, is a trophy that we must dispute.

News agencies build European newsrooms

16 news agencies are planning a European newsroom in Brussels with the support of the EU Commission. Operations are scheduled to begin in the middle of next year.

Climate researchers report the third warmest October

The European climate change service Copernicus has been recording temperatures since 1979. Thereafter, the values in October were warmer than the reference average worldwide.

Time change 2021: When will you change to wintertime tonight?

Tonight the clock will be turned. But the change between summer and winter time causes confusion for many people - an overview of the time change.

When the time change will finally be abolished

Furthermore, the clocks are changed twice a year - but the time change should have long since been abolished. But what has become of it?

The end of the time change is a long time coming

It should be abolished long ago and still remains with us: the time change. The project has been more or less on hold for around two years. Will the project get moving soon?
