NewsThe Taliban continue their offensive in Afghanistan and take...

The Taliban continue their offensive in Afghanistan and take control of two other districts

The Taliban have taken control of two other districts in Afghanistan since Friday, in the framework of a series of offensives in recent months amid the withdrawal of international forces in the Central Asian country.

According to the information collected by the television channel Tolo TV, the insurgents took control of the Tolak district, located in the province of Ghor (center) late Friday, after about two days of fighting with the security forces.

The governor of the district, Salmán Yusufi, has indicated in statements given to the Afghan television network Tolo TV that at least 20 members of the security forces have died and another 20 have been injured in the fighting, in which they have also been captured. ten other agents.

Yusufi has refused to confirm the takeover of the district by the Taliban, although he has criticized the lack of reinforcements for the agents by the central authorities.

Likewise, the Taliban announced this Thursday that they have taken control of the Zare district, located in the province of Balk (north), after the Ministry of Defense confirmed the transfer of civil and military institutions elsewhere due to because the area was cut off by the inusrgentes.

The Taliban spokesman, Zabihulá Mujahid, has indicated through his account on the social network Twitter that “the center of the district of Zare, in Balkh, has been captured next to the headquarters of the Police and Intelligence”, before add that “the enemy escaped with casualties” and emphasize that the insurgents have taken battle tanks, weapons and ammunition.

In this way, they amount to about 20 districts taken over the last two months by the insurgents, as confirmed by the Afghan authorities, which has raised concern about the possible lack of capacity of the Afghan security forces to deal with them. that they could use to their advantage in the peace negotiations.

On the other hand, at least five people have died in the early hours of this Saturday in an attack carried out by unidentified armed persons in the district of Paghman, in the province of Kabul, as confirmed by the Police.

The Kabul Police have detailed that all the fatalities are members of a family who returned from a wedding ceremony and were kidnapped and later executed. Security sources cited by Tolo TV have highlighted that among the dead is a former Mujahideen commander identified as Ghazi Oryajil.

Afghanistan has been plunged into an increase in violence despite the start in September of the peace talks process between the government and the Taliban in the Qatari capital, Doha, and amid the withdrawal of international troops from the country.

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