In the third triall to the federal election in 2021, the difference between conservative and progressive becomes more visible. The TV review.
The question at the third meeting of the candidates: inside on TV was yes: Would something change compared to the previous programs, would one of the three pursue a different strategy? The answer is: not really. And maybe that was to be expected. But at least the differences between the conservatives and the progressive became more visible. This was mainly due to Annalena Baerbock, who was even more determined and lively than before on attack – and did not spare her possible future coalition partner Olaf Scholz (SPD).
The behavior of the green co-boss has been interpreted as if she had said goodbye to the idea that she could become Federal Chancellor. That may be so, but what would the alternative have been? To leave the field to the gentlemen? On the contrary, it made the deficiencies in the ideas of Olaf Scholz and Armin Laschet clear – and that without pointing out too often who had been involved in the government over the past two decades.

Triell (Sat 1) on the 2021 federal election: Armin Laschet’s (CDU) defunct
But a halfway enlightened audience should have noticed in any case that the CDU chairman talked at length about the fact that his party is responsible for all the things and conditions that need to be changed now and immediately. No wonder he again did not do well in the poll results after the show.
But it had also started unfavorably for the Christian Democrat, because it was about social issues. And while Scholz and Baerbock spoke out in favor of the minimum wage of twelve euros and gave solid reasons for this, Laschet only gave the now really worn out hint that more “growth” creates jobs, that is: strengthen the economy. When he then accused the competitor of only talking like that because the election campaign for the 2021 federal elections was in progress, Scholz was able to land an impact by saying that he was concerned with “the dignity of the people”.
The two moderators, Linda Zervakis, recently with the Tagesschau, and Claudia von Brauchitsch, not so long ago still in the service of the CDU (!), Tried their nervousness with particularly wet research questions (“How many deaths does it take until we start with climate protection? “). Unfortunately, they interrupted the three of them from time to time, and the matter of speaking time went completely wrong. In between, von Brauchitsch calculated that Laschet had spoken on what he meant and then asked Baerbock to be brief. She corrected her mistake later (without asking for pardon), but in the end there was no comparison of speaking times at all. After all, the ladies insisted on gendering (this form was also chosen in the Einspielern).
Triell for the federal election 2021 from Sat 1: Annalena Baerbock drives Armin Laschet into the parade
On the subject of tax increases, Baerbock then vigorously drove the CDU man into the parade: he said the wrong things three times because he assumed that the competition would put a strain on the low-income. Baerbock and Scholz were close, for example, on the issue of how to deal with Hartz IV recipients, while the Christian Democrat insisted on sanctions.
Linda Zervakis made an original introduction to climate protection when she held up a Mickey Mouse booklet from 1993 that addressed the overexploitation of the rainforest. Laschet believed he was confirmed because at that time Klaus Töpfer, as CDU environment minister, had set things in motion – but also under the mockery of some party friends, as Baerbock noted. Laschet then covered the fact that so little has happened since then with the sentence “The process then continued.”
“The Triell”
ProSieben, Kabel 1, Sat.1, from Sunday, September 19, 8:15 p.m.
Von Brauchitsch then asked the often wrong question; What does climate protection cost? Instead of asking how much it will cost if we postpone climate protection. And the 30 billion euros for a single catastrophe like recently in North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate are also a sufficient answer. Announced by the moderators as the most important topic, the climate complex was then ended quite abruptly.
Triell for the federal election 2021 (Sat 1): Neither migration nor Rezo video topic
There was agreement in dealing with the nursing staff and the Corona crisis, with Annalena Baerbock pointing out that Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) had “disappeared” the announced improved personnel key. The editorial team had completely removed the topic of migration from the list of topics. And you would have liked to know what the three of them have to say about Rezo’s latest video, which denounced corruption, especially among CDU parliamentarians.
However, Armin Laschet was denied an attack that he would have liked to have launched again: the question of Wirecard and CumEx. Because this time the opponents were allowed to question each other at the end, and it was Annalena Baerbock – and not Laschet – who wanted to know from Olaf Scholz what he intended to do against money laundering. While the sociologist could ask the CDU member why he wanted to spare the landlords with the heating costs and so, as at the beginning, uncovered a nakedness of the Christian Democrats again. (Daland Sailor)
List of rubric lists: © Willi Weber / dpa