On November 24, 1957, the Mexican muralist Diego Rivera , one of the most representative figures of art in the country, died.
In his paintings and murals , Diego Rivera told stories primarily of workers such as miners, farmers, industrialists, and peasants. His masterpieces include Festival of Flowers , Seller of Flowers , Nude with Calla Lilies , Indian Warrior , Man at the Crossroads and Dream of a Sunday Afternoon in Alameda Central .
This last work is a mural with an area of 4.17 meters high, 15.67 meters long and weighing 35 tons. For its elaboration, it required the help of the artists Rina Lazo and Pedro A. Peñaloza.
The mural is divided into three sections that cover almost four centuries of Mexican history and its setting is the emblematic Alameda Central park in Mexico City, chosen by Rivera for being a setting that has witnessed momentous events in the Mexican history.
47 characters make up this great work that you can visit through a and here we tell you who they are:
In the first section of the mural, Rivera represented the conquest and the colonial era , in which Hernán Cortés , Fray Juan de Zumárraga, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz and Luis de Velasco II appear.
Later, Independence and foreign interventions are addressed, where Antonio López de Santa Anna is seen handing over the keys of the territories to the North American General Winfield Scott; the Reformation and the Second Empire , with the figures of Benito Juárez , Ignacio Ramírez, Ignacio Manuel Altamirano, Maximiliano and Carlota de Habsburgo .
The second section begins with Manuel Gutiérrez Nájera waving his hat at José Martí. Along with them are Lucecita Díaz and Carmen Romero Rubio, daughter and wife of Porfirio Díaz, respectively. Among these characters appears Diego Rivera at the age of 9 and behind him, Frida Kahlo , who in a motherly gesture embraces the artist. ‘ La Catrina’ shakes hands with Diego and the arm of José Guadalupe Posada , creator of the famous skull.
In the last section, the muralist illustrates peasant movements and the way the Mexican Revolution unfolded; portrays mistreated peasants and the dream of justice.
Modern Mexico is represented by a presidential figure who is being corrupted by religion, women and business. In this section appear the portraits of Lupe Marín , Ruth and Lupe Rivera , daughters of the artist and Rosa Rolanda, painter and choreographer, finally, Diego returns to portray himself as a child eating a cake.