NewsWhat is the Polisario Front and who is Brahim...

What is the Polisario Front and who is Brahim Gali?

In 1973 the Polisario Front or Popular Front for the Liberation of Saguia el Hamra and Rio de Oro emerged. Its initial mission was to fight for the independence of the territory of Western Sahara from Spanish colonial rule. With the departure of the Spaniards from the area, after the Madrid agreements, the movement continued its course and demanded the freedom of the Saharawi people. They became nationalists in search of the independence of a territory that had remained in the hands of Morocco. The Polisario Front proclaimed the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) facing directly with Morocco and Mauritania to achieve its objective.Morocco’s fight against the Polisario frontAfter the end of the conflicts with Spain, the territory already in the hands of Morocco continued to fight for independence . After several clashes, thanks to the mediation of Algeria, peace was signed between the Polisario front and Morocco in 1979. Both recognized their struggle with the militias at the gates of Nouakchott, the tension was maximum. The period of peace lasted until Morocco He decided to intervene forcefully, sending his soldiers to put an end to the struggle for the independence of Western Sahara. The main cities in the area were left in the hands of the Moroccan army, the families that had remained loyal to the Polisario front began their exodus to the desert. Several camps were created to maintain their struggle that lasted until 1991 when the peace was signed. Since then there has been a commitment that a referendum on self-determination will be held in this area, which would be organized by a United Nations Mission for Western Sahara. Since then, disagreements about the electoral roll have been present.Morocco wants to include the settlers who have moved to the area and the Sahrawis are not willing to accept it. Protests by the Polisario front in recent years have focused on interrupting communications with Mauritania, thus causing material losses in the companies of area. The Moroccan exercise has had to be deployed to dislodge the protesters who are dedicated to cutting off these fundamental land communication routes for the area. On November 13, 2020, there was a break in the ceasefire, and the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) has demonstrated against the pressure exerted by Morocco in the area. By withdrawing their protesters from the area of the roads where they are holding their protests in search of the promised referendum. Guerguerat between Moroccan customs and the Mauritanian border has been one of the points of conflict in recent months. Brahim Ghali, the leader of the polisario front, escaped from the area to seek international help in our country. Spain decided to take him in, despite having an order to be executed in his country, Morocco.

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Dramatic rescue operation: Child trapped in a 32 meter deep well for days

A five-year-old boy falls into a 32 meter deep well and has been stuck in the narrow hole for days. Rescue work in Morocco is in full swing.

Boy falls into the well: rescue work continues

The boy has now been stuck 32 meters below ground for three days. The rescuers dig forward under high pressure, meanwhile only a few meters are missing to salvation.

The King of Morocco warns that Western Sahara "is not negotiable"

Mohamed VI, has warned that his country will not maintain commercial relations with countries that have "vague or ambivalent positions"
