NewsWhen are people between 40 and 49 years old...

When are people between 40 and 49 years old in Spain vaccinated against covid?

The current vaccination rate in Spain is good. This is stated by most of the experts. Although it depends on each autonomous community, the next to be vaccinated during this month of June are people between 40 and 49 years old. The rate is different according to each CCAA and the vaccines they will receive are not clear. Currently the population groups from 50 to 59 years old, also from 60 to 69 years old, and that group of people who have the first dose of AstraZeneca and Now you must choose which one to use as the second dose, after waiting a while. The community of Ceuta has already begun to inoculate vaccines to the population we are talking about: people between 40 and 49 years old. It is also true that they are less populated and go much faster in this sense.On the other hand, the Balearic Islands will soon start with this age group, in addition to other communities such as Cantabria, which will start from June 1 with this age group , without knowing which vaccine corresponds to them, while other Autonomous Communities such as the Canary Islands will do so around the middle of June, in the same way as Extremadura or Galicia, although they do not indicate a specific date. Asturias is also beginning to summon those under 50 years of age to receive their first dose. One must think that this is the largest group of people in Spain at this time and there will be time to be able to vaccinate them all. Andalusia or the Valencian Community will do so. about the middle of the month, while in the community of Madrid they foresee that they will be able to do it shortly, about two or three weeks.For its part, Aragon does not know exactly when this large group of population will receive the vaccine, nor does Catalonia, the Basque Country , Castilla y León, La Rioja or Murcia, but everything suggests that they will do so in June. What vaccines correspond to people between 40 and 49 years of age?It is established that such a group may receive any of the currently available vaccines, except AstraZeneca, which is intended for other age groups. That is Pfizer, Moderna or Janssen. It all depends on availability and according to each Autonomous Community, although various health officials have made it clear that the Janssen vaccine, being single-dose, may be reserved for seasonal and temporary workers who come to Spain to various campaigns at this time of year, or for people who travel a lot.

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