News"You could vaccinate this pandemic" - Drosten is skeptical...

"You could vaccinate this pandemic" – Drosten is skeptical about the corona vaccination quota in Germany

Charité virologist Christian Drosten has reported back from the summer break with a new one from the NDR podcast “The Coronavirus Update”.

Hamburg – “I really thought we would come out of the summer break with a high vaccination rate and then celebrate in a couple of podcast episodes how well we did it all in Germany,” said virologist Christian Drosten on Friday (3rd Friday) in the new episode of the podcast “The Coronavirus Update”. The Corona * situation now looks completely different. “And that for the stupid reason that we did not achieve the required vaccination quota,” said Drosten.

Corona in Germany: Drosten pessimistic – “You could vaccinate this pandemic away”

So far, only 61 percent of the total population have been fully vaccinated. In August, the vaccination rate only increased by around 10 percentage points. According to the latest weekly report from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) *, 83 percent of the population over 60 years of age have full vaccination protection. For adults between 18 and 60 years of age, the rate is 65 percent. According to RKI calculations, however, at least 85 percent of 12 to 59 year olds and 90 percent of seniors aged 60 and over must be fully vaccinated so that a distinct new wave with full intensive care units in autumn and winter is unlikely.

A vaccination rate of 90 to 95 percent is actually possible, but currently only utopian. “You could vaccinate this pandemic,” said Drosten. However, the Charité virologist is currently pessimistic that Germany can achieve an acceptable vaccination quota in the corona pandemic * through vaccination offers alone.

Corona vaccination quota in Germany: Drosten sees a certain indifference

He does not assume that Germany will get much further with the vaccination quota by addressing the population. “And that’s why I believe that politics has a difficult task ahead of them and that they will have to consistently make decisions soon,” said Drosten.

Der Virologe Christian Drosten erhält den Berliner Wissenschaftspreis 2020.


The corona podcast by virologist Christian Drosten is back from the summer break. (Archive image)

One could try to convey the urgency of the corona vaccinations * in Germany, the virologist said. “There is a fundamental openness. At the moment I would only assume very few people who have not been vaccinated to believe that they now believe completely crazy stories. ”Rather, it is sometimes this certain indifference that prevents a decision to vaccinate.

Corona vaccinations in Germany: One age group makes Drosten optimistic

That is the big difference to people in Portugal or Spain. “They have had a terrible social experience. Lots of deaths and a real lockdown, where you can only go outside for shopping with justification, and the military patrols the streets. ”That is a real lockdown *. “We didn’t experience that in Germany. I don’t think we can simulate this experience in Germany afterwards, ”said Drosten.

What makes him optimistic, however, is the high willingness to vaccinate among 12 to 17 year olds. “That is to be seen extremely positively. We have a young, intelligent section of the population here, ”said the virologist. He believes that this can also be carried over to the students. Young people would therefore still play an important role in the near future. (ph / dpa) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

List of rubric lists: © Jörg Carstensen

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