Tech UPTechnology10 balloon experiments to do with children at Christmas

10 balloon experiments to do with children at Christmas

Balloons fascinate all boys and girls, so they are a resource that does not fail at birthdays, parties and, why not, at Christmas. There are many types of balloons for different purposes. Depending on the material, latex predominates over polyamide. The first are the common translucent balloons and the polyamide type are the opaque ones that are used at fairs and birthday parties with any type of shape, also called microfoil, foil, mylar or metallic. It does not matter the material, shape, color or purpose of the balloon. Experiments can be done with all of them, are you ready for the ExperiBalloons challenge?

Necessary material : a latex balloon and a wooden skewer for skewers.

Procedure : Once you have the balloon inflated and knotted, puncture it at the part closest to the knot, gently. Go carefully inserting the stick to the opposite side, until it is punctured in that area and takes it out there.

Explanation : the tension of the balloon around the knot and in its opposite part is much lower than in other areas.

Have fun : slowly remove the skewer and try to puncture the balloon elsewhere

Materials needed : A balloon, vinegar, baking soda, a funnel, and a small bottle of water.

Procedure : With the help of the funnel, fill the balloon with baking soda. On the other hand, fill a third of the bottle with vinegar. Attach the mouth of the balloon to the mouthpiece of the bottle. When they are well joined, pour the contents into the bottle and see what happens.

Explanation : The reaction of baking soda with vinegar produces carbon dioxide gas, which ends up inflating the balloon.

Have fun : Once the balloon has been filled with carbon dioxide, tie a knot. Fill another balloon by blowing, until it occupies the same volume. Take each one in one hand and release them, what happens?

Necessary material : A balloon, a straw, a thread and a piece of adhesive tape

Procedure : Tension the thread through the ends in two separate parts, for example two posts or two chairs. Before you must have inserted the straw through the thread. Tape the balloon to the thread and inflate it, holding it so that it does not escape. Let go of it and you will see that it goes off like a rocket.

Explanation : According to Newton’s third law, every action is corresponded with a reaction. The gases are shot out of the nozzle of the balloon, the reaction is a force in the same direction but in the opposite direction.

Have fun : put two strings and make balloon races with your friends. Or glue them to toy cars and play races with them.

Necessary material : Two balloons and a candle.

Procedure : We light the candle and inflate the two balloons. But in one of them we put a little water (just a little). We approach the candle without water to the candle and it explodes. Then we bring the balloon with water closer to the water part. The balloon does not explode.

Explanation : The water takes the heat from the candle preventing it from passing into the balloon.

Have fun: Tell a friend to bring the one without water close to the candle and it will explode. Then do the same, but with the water and becoming the magician.

Supplies needed : A balloon, a CD, plastic bottle nozzle, and glue gun.

Procedure : Put the nozzle of the bottle in the center of the CD and the inflated balloon on the nozzle. And … well, as it is a more complex procedure, it is best that you watch the video.

Have fun : race your friends down the hallway at home.

Material : A balloon, a plastic bottle and a utility knife or scissors.

Procedure : The balloon is introduced into the bottle but fixing its edge on the bottle nozzle. Try to inflate the balloon. You will see that you cannot. Next, a small hole is made in the base of the bottle. Trying now can inflate it. If we put our finger in the bottle again we can’t. What a mystery!

Explanation : When the balloon is inflated, the air inside the bottle has no way to escape to make room for the balloon. This situation changes when we make the hole.

Have fun : Have a friend try to inflate it, but with a trick. Take the bottle and cover the hole. You will not be able to inflate the balloon. Then you blow and remove your finger without him noticing. You will be amazed!

Material : Two balloons, a wooden rod, thread and a pin.

Procedure : We hang the rod by its center. The two balloons are inflated and tied to both ends of the rod, so that the rod is balanced, like a scale. We explode one of the balloons (carefully, grasping the rod so that it does not move). We see that the rod is tilted towards the part of the inflated balloon.

Explanation : As simple as that air weighs.

Have fun : If you have a food processor that weighs grams, put a balloon without inflated and then with air inside. Is there a difference in weight?

Materials : A balloon, colored tissue paper and wool (or your hair).

Procedure : We cut the tissue paper into very small pieces. We rub the balloon on wool or on our hair, forcefully and repeatedly. By bringing the balloon closer to the pieces of paper, it attracts them.

Explanation : By rubbing the balloon with wool, electrons pass from one material to another, which causes the balloon to have an electrostatic charge. When you bring it closer to the pieces of paper, they are charged by induction and are attracted by the balloon.

Have fun : If you use white paper and paint a Santa Claus, you can play to put a beard on him. You can also steel it to empty cans and you will see that they start to roll. This opens up the possibility of can racing.

Material : A balloon and a coin.

Procedure : We introduce the coin into the balloon and inflate it. We make a knot and turn the balloon constantly, taking it by the part of the knot and putting the opposite part towards the ground. The coin begins to roll within the walls of the balloon.

Explanation : The coin will rotate due to the centrifugal force and will continue to rotate a bit even if we stop thanks to the adhesion.

Have fun : Change the type of currency and compare the sounds that are produced. Record it and watch in slow motion how the balloon deforms as the coin passes.

Material : Balloons of different colors, scissors, funnel, plastic bottle and bird food or rice.

Procedure : With the funnel we fill a third of the bottle with the bird food or the rice. Blow up a balloon and put it in the mouth of the bottle. Flip the bottle over and drop the contents of the bottle. It allows air to escape and spherical shape the balloon, after which it cuts the neck of the balloon. Cut the neck of another balloon and place it over the previous balloon, but leaving the opening on the opposite side. Keep placing balloons with some holes so that different colors can be seen.

Explanation : There is nothing to explain here, it is not an experiment, it is only creating to play!

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