Fun10 quotes from the writer Ralph Waldo Emerson on...

10 quotes from the writer Ralph Waldo Emerson on the day of his birth

On May 25, 1803, the American writer, philosopher and poet Ralph Waldo Emerson was born. He is considered the leader of the movement of transcendentalism at the beginning of the 19th century. His reflections are still present today. We see what are the 10 phrases of the writer Ralph Waldo Emerson on the day of his birth. He was cataloged within the New Thought movement and therefore is considered one of the most outstanding philosophers of the nineteenth century. What are the best phrases of Ralph Waldo Emerson? Act, if you will; but understand that you do it at risk. Man’s actions have too much power over him. Show me a man who has undertaken a work and who has not been a victim and slave of his actions. Successful is the person who has lived well, laughed often and loved a lot, who has earned the respect of children, who leaves the world better than he found it, that he has never lacked appreciation for the beauty of the earth, that he never stops seeking the best in others or giving the best of himself.Our main desire is someone who inspires us to be what we We know we could be. Cultivate the habit of being thankful for every good thing that comes your way, and continually give thanks. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you must include all things in your gratitude.Whatever path you choose, there is always someone who says you are wrong. Difficulties always arise that tempt you to think that your detractors are right. Drawing an action map and following it to the end requires a lot of courage. When friendships are real, they are not threads of glass or frost, but the most solid things we can know. Without ambition, one does not start anything. Without work, you don’t finish anything. The prize will not come to you.You have to earn it. 10 phrases of the writer Ralph Waldo Emerson on the day of his birth Although we travel around the world to find beauty, we must take it with us to find it. Do not be the slave of your own past: immerse yourself in the sublime seas, immerse yourself in depth and Nothing, so you will return with a new self-respect, with a new power and with a superior experience that will explain and overlook the old. Bad times have a scientific value. These are occasions that a good student would not miss.

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