Tech UPTechnology10 tricks to not be so aware of the...

10 tricks to not be so aware of the mobile

It is very clear, the mobile phone is the invention of the century. Together with the fact that the permanent connection to the Internet is already possible without any type of setbacks, we have the perfect cocktail to create addiction to this technology. Nomophobia is a form of dependence evident in cases of young people and adolescents , but also in adults. When they do not have their phone with them, they enter a state of anxiety, and that does not manage to calm down until they have it by their side again.

Without going to those extremes, avoiding falling into this situation is by giving the phone the attention it deserves, but no more. Achieving it may not be easy, but if guidelines are put in place so that we are not so attentive to our device, our relationship with it will improve. That we love technology does not mean that we allow ourselves to be overwhelmed. You have to understand the relationship in a different way. How about some tips to avoid falling into a harmful spiral? They are simple to apply, and if you manage to carry them out, you will see how you no longer use it so often.

10 tricks that will help you not depend so much on your mobile

The first one is very simple, but first you have to stop and think. Do you turn off the phone at night? Is it completely necessary for it to be turned on? This last question is only understood if your mobile phone is the only way to be in contact with other people. Perhaps it is convenient for you to have it on for any urgent matter. But if you have a landline at home, you should consider turning off the phone at night. The reason is very simple, any visit to the bathroom will be a temptation. The same happens if you wake up, picking up the phone is the easiest thing to do. But there are very healthy alternatives, like reading a little, going out to the balcony, or even going for a night walk.

This point takes us to the next one, avoid taking the phone to bed and doing something with it once you have already gone to bed. The bed is simply the place to go to sleep, it is not from having a very bright screen staring into your eyes. And by the way, go straight to bed to sleep, not toss and turn.

Many times we pick up the phone out of sheer boredom , it is what we have closest to hand and it is a real window to the outside. Every time you go to do it, think about whether it is going to bring you something or you can do another much more interesting activity. You may have noticed that when you pick up the phone in these circumstances, time passes quickly and you are not very productive.

The notifications we receive on our device are continually capturing our attention. A good idea is to deactivate their frequency, or to eliminate them directly. Think that each notification that arrives does not have to be something extremely important, it may be your WhatsApp group at the gym commenting on anything. Establishing a schedule to consult the telephone is perhaps a very wise measure.

The time has also come to have all the applications you have installed on your mobile. Many of them may be of no use, but they are there getting your attention. Consider an application cleaning and remove everything that does not interest you. You will be obtaining a double benefit, on the one hand gain space, and on the other, avoid unnecessary distractions.



There are sacred moments when we should not use the telephone. Mealtimes or time to go to the bathroom are two of them, but also a gathering of friends. In this case, it can also imply a lack of respect or show that we do not pay attention if our point of interest only the mobile phone. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes, imagine that you are trying to talk to someone and that person is only looking at a screen.

A good way to avoid having to always look at the phone when we are at home is to leave it fixed in one place , that is, not carry it with us. Putting your hand in your pocket is very tempting, but it is not so tempting anymore if you have left it on a shelf or on the kitchen table. You will avoid unnecessary distractions and you will see how you can get away from him and that nothing happens.

A great ally that we have on the phone is Airplane Mode, which leaves the device without the possibility of receiving calls, messages or browsing the Internet . Use it more often, for example, if you’re in the car and you don’t have a hands-free system. Putting the phone in this way is something that should be done with a certain frequency, it is a way to avoid being disturbed.

On various occasions we are practically forced to use the phone more than it should. For example, when we start a conversation on WhatsApp and the other person continues to talk. Express your desire to settle the matter politely. ” I can’t keep talking “, or ” I have to leave you “, always means raising a barrier because I fear that the situation will get out of control. Think that your time is the most valuable. And also, with WhatsApp audios there is a temptation to send messages that are too long. The unwritten standards of good digital education state that an audio of more than one minute in length is considered a lack of education. Such a long audio message, consider the possibility of not opening it to call you on the phone.

To help you in your process of detoxifying from your mobile phone, consider the possibility of installing time control applications. In any case, mobile devices have time control options, being able to limit the time you use in those applications that can be more dangerous, such as social networks.

Our relationship with technology must be fluid, never absorbing. Misused, a mobile phone can cause isolation, something very curious in an instrument that was designed to be able to communicate. Remember that you are the one who is in control, and that you live much calmer, giving things the importance they have.

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