News2020 US elections: Polls that predicted Donald Trump's victory...

2020 US elections: Polls that predicted Donald Trump's victory in 2016 show that he is regaining ground against Joe Biden

Few, very few polls published before the last elections, those of 2016, in the United States pointed to Donald Trump as the favorite. The shots were clearly proven wrong when the tycoon would end up defeating Hillary Clinton to proclaim himself president of the country. In this campaign, history could repeat itself, since most polls and projections once again point to his rival as the favorite for the election date on November 3. However, two polls that did succeed with the victory of Trump four years ago now point to a certain recovery on his horizon: yes, even giving Democrat Joe Biden the leadership. These are polls carried out by IBD and TIPP, which indicate that support for Joe Biden would fall to 48.1%, while the figures of support for Trump would present an ascent to 45.8%. the elections in the US, most of the polls, however, still give Joe Biden the favorite poster. It is shown by the graph that accompanies this information, from a compilation of the main polls, polls and projections added by the reputed site FiveThirtyEight.Even the polls most favorable to Donald Trump in recent weeks, according to Fox News, show that the The current president is finding it difficult to secure the vote in places that in 2016 were already favorable to him. “Elderly citizens are another key group of voters who supported Trump in 2016 and are now being favorable to Biden”, has come to assure the head of IBD, one of the aforementioned polls that does grant him a certain margin of comeback to the republican.Early voting begins in Florida Early voting has already begun Monday in Florida, the most populous of the key states of the US election and where Donald Trump and Joe Biden are fairly evenly matched in the polls in this state, which generates chills in case of May the election be very even. The Republican president visited Arizona, another highly coveted state, as part of the marathon series of events that began a week after ensuring that he was “cured” of covid-19. In this territory where he won in 2016 -but in which the polls now place him behind the Democrat Biden-, Trump promised to rescue the economy hit by the coronavirus and criticized his opponent for pretending “that the socialists champion in our country. “You are fortunate that he is your president,” the conservative magnate assured his followers, most of them without masks and without keeping social distance, at an outdoor rally in Prescott, north of Phoenix. His side did not have an appointment on his agenda and, according to the press, he dedicated the day to preparing for the final debate on Thursday. Who did travel to Florida was his running mate, Kamala Harris, back on the road after a four-day break due to covid cases in her environment.

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