Tech UPTechnology4 im4 tricks essential tricks to extend the life...

4 im4 tricks essential tricks to extend the life of the battery of the mobile dispensable to extend the life of the battery of the mobile

Do you remember mobile phones from 20 years ago? How long did the battery last? Quietly for a week, something that is now unthinkable despite technological advances. Today’s mobile phones are in high demand for energy use , as they have large screens and a built-in modem that is continuously sending and receiving data.

This means that, as soon as we use them, we must continually monitor the state of the charge. Sometimes, it is not possible to reach the end of the day without having to look for a plug, and if this happens to us in a place where we cannot put it to charge, a feeling of insecurity catches us. This disorder has a name and is called nomophobia.

Whether you can get to the end of the day with a battery on your mobile depends on many factors: the state of the battery itself and that it degrades over time, how we use the device or even the ambient temperature. In summer, the performance of the batteries is considerably lower than when it is cold. But nothing better than making efficient use of the device so that we can get to the night without having to recharge the phone in between.

4 simple tricks to extend the battery of your device

If the state of the battery is optimal, you should not have problems so that, once night comes, you have not had to recharge it. If, on the other hand, your device has already been used for a few years, the most common is that the battery has suffered degradation and that it cannot function normally. If you don’t want to change your device or have it repaired at the moment, the most sensible thing is to get an external battery that you can always carry with you. Currently, this type of battery has greatly reduced its price, size and weight. With a 10,000 mA, you’ll have more than enough for two full charges.

One of the most effective tricks that exists and that will not cost you anything to apply is to activate the Airplane Mode when you cannot use the phone. You know that this functionality, which is present in all mobile phones, leaves it turned into a paperweight, since it cancels the network connection to the operator, the bluetooth and the data connection.

But you may wonder the sense of doing this. Very simple, by activating Airplane Mode we are generating significant battery savings. You should apply this trick in those moments when, due to circumstances, you cannot use your phone. For example, if you work in an office and you are prohibited from using it during working hours, or if you have to leave it at the locker. Airplane mode is a good ally, but perhaps it is even more so to turn it off directly, since when you reconnect it or deactivate airplane mode, you will receive all the notifications that you had pending.

Another key factor when it comes to saving battery life on your mobile phone is deactivating the location service. Many applications make use of it to offer you personalized services. For example, the maps application will help you find any establishment quickly, or the social networks will allow you to geolocate your publications. But having the location permanently activated is a drain on your mobile phone. In the settings of the application or the device itself, you can vary the location so that it is only activated when you start using the app.

The screen of your mobile device is another of the elements that requires the most energy. The larger the size, the higher the demand. Take note of a couple of useful tips in this regard. The first is to reduce the brightness of the screen. If this is set to the maximum, the battery is going to suffer a lot. And let’s not say your eyes, which will also appreciate that break in luminosity. The second is to reduce the waiting time with the screen on. If you have it to turn off within two minutes of using it, switch it to the shortest amount of time possible. Your drummer will notice it, and consequently, so will you.

If your device has an OLED screen, the blacker the background, the less battery it will use. This is because these types of screens consider black as a pixel that should not be activated, therefore, if you opt for this color, you may notice that the battery lasts longer. And on the other hand, wallpapers with moving images tend to be very unfriendly with your device’s battery management , so look for something simpler and in dark tones. Simplicity is always the best option so that you can reach the end of the day with battery on your mobile.

And perhaps the most interesting advice that can help you not only to stretch the battery of your mobile, but to live something calmer, is to make a responsible use of technology. Maybe that notification that just came to you can wait for later. And if you get bored and are tempted to take your phone in your hands, think about the number of entertaining things you can do without having to depend on the phone. Not having so much dependence on the mobile phone is always a good escape valve.

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