Tech UPTechnology5 ideas that iOS copied from Android

5 ideas that iOS copied from Android

Android is the favorite operating system for mobile phone users, with a 74% share compared to iOS. Those of Apple have always boasted of being able to use their iPhone in a simple way. Indeed, iOS is very comfortable, simple and intuitive. Over time it has also gained in customization options, since it was a fairly closed development. Do you remember the jailbreak era? It was the only way for Apple users to be able to access and implement more features. Although it is not necessary now, it may also be because in Cupertino they have transformed some of the ideas of Android. What are the 5 most popular that started with Android and that Apple copied?

5 ideas that Apple borrowed from Android

First of all, it must be said that iOS is a newer operating system than Android. By the way, this is the fruit of the work of a former employee of the Californian company. In 2005, Android was acquired by Google.


There is no doubt that Apple has practically shot its Maps app over Google’s. Currently this application is not yet capable of providing the same amount of information as the original. Little by little he is achieving a higher degree of performance, although he still has a lot of work to do. For this reason, it is very common to see the Google Maps application on an iPhone long before the Maps application. The work they have done at Google with their own maps application is titanic, and the blatant copy that the Californian competition does, with their own vehicles as well, makes it clear that when something is good they will try to imitate it and overcome it. We will see the results later.


Android was a pioneer in this regard, while Apple thought it was time to start implementing its own in iOS 8. Currently, widgets are an easy way to access information and both on Android and iOS are used by of its users. But there are 4 years of advantage that the Google operating system has in that sense. It is true that Apple has managed to make widgets an active part of both the iPhone and the iPad, squeezing their possibilities. But Android hit with them no less than in 2009.

PiP o Picture in Picture

Apple users had to wait until iOS 14 to benefit from an idea that had already been put into practice since 2017. It allows you to have a small window open with YouTube while running another application. It is the way we currently play a video within WhatsApp. A form of multitasking very much in line with what users want, never stop being productive at any time.

Facial recognition

The iPhone X of 2017 incorporated this technology, known as Face ID, which allows you to unlock the phone using your face. It was a development typical of those from Cupertino, extremely safe and practically impossible to violate. But it was 2011 when Samsung and Google worked together to launch it on the Galaxy Nexus. This system, called Face Unlock, allowed you to unlock the device with just a smile.

Discreet call notifications

Who is using an iPhone today applauded this decision. If we are performing a task and a call comes in, we are notified discreetly at the top of the device. Android had been using this way of announcing incoming calls for quite some time. A much needed update and which is unknown why Apple took so long to implement.

The list would not end here, since Apple has always known how to fish well in troubled waters. What are the next ideas you will borrow for iPhone and iPad users?

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