Fun5 small cities in Europe with a lot of...

5 small cities in Europe with a lot of charm

Now that little by little the Covid-19 pandemic is coming to an end thanks to the vaccination campaign, it is time to make plans for the next year 2022. If you want to travel and discover the world, there are some small cities in Europe with a lot of charm that will make you fall in love . They are perfect for a two or three day getaway!

Annecy – France

Also known as ‘The Venice of the Alps’, Annecy is a small French city that is ideal to visit at any time of the year . Strolling through the old town is like taking a trip back in time to a bygone era. It is home to colorful Piedmontese-style buildings, some of which are very prominent, such as the Palais de l’Île, a 12th-century fortress-prison that has been converted into a museum.

Gdansk – Polonia

Although it is a city that often goes unnoticed by those who visit Poland, the truth is that Gdansk is well worth it. A true gem with such emblematic monuments as the Green Gate , a building inspired by the Antwerp City Hall (Belgium). It is also of special interest to know the Church of Santa María, inside which 20,000 people can fit.

Graz – Austria

One of the charming small cities in Europe is Graz, named ‘European Capital of Culture’ in 2003 . There are many places of interest, such as the Hauptplatz, the old medieval town. Eggenberg Castle is an essential visit. Its current appearance dates from the early seventeenth century and inside it houses the Universal Joanneum Museum.

Manarola – Italy

In Italy you will find Manarola, a city that will not leave you indifferent. The most striking thing is its architectural beauty, with dozens of colored houses nestled in the stone . The best thing is to forget about the map and get lost walking through the narrow streets. The most important religious temple is the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, a building from the first half of the 14th century.

Nicosia – Cyprus

And finally, Nicosia, in Cyprus, one of the least visited countries in Europe. The city is divided in two by the green line: the Turkish Cypriot zone and the Greek Cypriot zone . The main attraction is to walk this green line on both sides, which are completely different. The crossing is on Ledra Street, and to be able to go from one side to the other it is necessary to show your passport.

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