Fun5 tricks to charge your mobile without damaging the...

5 tricks to charge your mobile without damaging the battery

We’ve all charged our mobile phone battery hundreds of times, but we probably haven’t even considered whether we’re doing it right. Is it a good idea to leave the Smartphone charging overnight? Is it necessary to fully discharge the battery before recharging? To extend the useful life of the battery, it is necessary to take into account a series of tricks to charge the mobile .

Partial loads

We have always heard that partial charges damage the battery of phones, but according to the ‘Battery University’, it is a false myth. What we must do is charge our mobile at any time we can, even if it is for a few minutes .

The most important thing of all is that the battery does not discharge until only a small percentage remains , because this does affect (and greatly) its useful life.

Not fully charging the battery

Charging the phone to its maximum capacity, 100%, is not a good idea because it reduces its life expectancy. According to ‘Cadex’, it is better that we do not fully charge the Smartphone battery because the high voltage supposes a great stress that ends up wearing it down in the long term.

Optimal charge level

According to the ‘Cadex’ portal, the Smartphone battery reaches its longest life expectancy if it is always charged between 65% and 75% of its capacity .

Now, keeping the battery in this range is not easy, but we can create a routine to charge the phone at specific times so that it stays in the second best charging range: between 4% and 75% .

Don’t charge the phone overnight

There is an eternal debate about whether or not it is convenient to leave the phone charging overnight. Taking into account that charging the battery up to 100% is one of the things that we must avoid , it is better not to do it.

Prevent the battery from overheating

And finally, we must take care of the mobile battery so that it does not overheat since heating shortens its useful life and reduces its performance. We do not have to leave the phone exposed to the sun and, if we are playing a very demanding game and we notice that it heats up, we can take short breaks.

Finally, we want to remember that most batteries last between 300 and 500 charge cycles . From these ranges, performance begins to decline.

Now we know how to charge the mobile without damaging the battery!

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