News8.2 magnitude earthquake: tsunami warning for Alaska - Japan...

8.2 magnitude earthquake: tsunami warning for Alaska – Japan is also preparing for wave

A strong earthquake struck off the coast of Alaska. A tsunami warning was issued.

Perryville – A major earthquake struck off the south coast of the US state of Alaska. As the US earthquake monitoring station USGS reported, the quake with a magnitude of 8.2 occurred late Wednesday evening (local time) southeast of the city of Perryville at a depth of around 32 kilometers.

As reported by the USGS, further strong aftershocks with magnitudes of 6.2 and 5.6 occurred in the same area within a short period of time. According to the German editorial network, the US tsunami warning center said: “Based on all available data, these earthquakes could have generated a tsunami that could destroy coastal areas far from the epicenter.”

Tsunami warning for Alaska after earthquake

The US National Weather Service (NOAA) issued a tsunami warning. This applies to southern Alaska and the Alaska Peninsula, as well as the Pacific coast from Hinchinbrook Entrance to Unimak Pass. There were also initial observations for the US states of Hawaii and Guam. According to CNN , the warning has since been lifted for these two areas. So far it is unclear whether there is a risk for other coastal areas in the USA and Canada.

On the Alaskan coast, the warning sirens are already wailing to warn people of the danger. Evacuations have started in many places. In Kodiak, the largest city on the island of the same name in the US state of Alaska, the police advised residents to move to a hill. Japan is also preparing for a possible wave. According to the Japanese broadcaster NHK , the need for a tsunami warning is currently being discussed.

Alaska is located on the so-called Pacific Ring of Fire, where tectonic plates collide. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are common in this area. (ph / dpa / afp) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

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