FunThe most curious phrases of JK Rowling on the...

The most curious phrases of JK Rowling on the day of her birth

On July 31, 1965, the writer Joanne Rowling was born, author of books as important as the entire Harry Potter saga, among others. Here are the most curious phrases JK Rowling on the day of his birth.

With the Potter books, which have been brought to the screen, it has sold more than half a billion copies.

Harry Potter author quotes

If you want to know what someone is like, see how they treat their inferiors, not their equals.

I still haven’t forgotten what it feels like when you don’t know if you’re going to have enough money to pay the bills. Not having to think about it is the greatest luxury in the world.

All oppressors understand, sooner or later, that among their many victims there will be at least one who will one day rise up against them and stand up to them.

The happiness we feel has a lot to do with understanding that life is not a list of things that we must achieve. Your achievements are not your life.

Suffering a modicum of failure in life is inevitable. It is impossible to live without failing in something, unless you live with such caution that it could then be said that you have not lived at all.

He yawned so that the scars on his face tightened and his crooked mouth revealed that a few teeth were missing. They are the most curious phrases of JK Rowling

Who could it be? He had no friends or other relatives. He was not even a member of the library, so he had never received notes demanding the return of books. Yet there it was, a letter addressed to him so clearly that there was no possible mistake.

Harry couldn’t stand it anymore, he couldn’t bear to be who he was. He had never felt so trapped by his own mind and body, and he had never wanted so badly to be someone else or to have any other identity.

The stories we love the most live in us forever. So when you come back either through the pages or on the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home.

All the money and life one could want! The two things most humans would choose! The problem is that humans have the gift of choosing precisely the things that are worst for them.


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