FunFranz Kafka: biography, phrases and curiosities of the writer

Franz Kafka: biography, phrases and curiosities of the writer

The Czech writer Franz Kafka stands out for his works that have marked a before and after in world literature. In his works psychological conflicts really appear and for this reason his stories have inspired psychologists of various times.

In his most outstanding works we must mention The Process and The Metamorphosis, which to this day are still books actually read and translated into millions of languages.

In addition to these two masterpieces, he also wrote The Castle and The Disappeared. Many authors and scholars have not yet agreed on the influences that the author could have had.

Inspiration for many others

The author Franz Kafka inspired other widely recognized universal authors such as Gabriel García Márquez or Albert Camus. Among his writers he left a multitude of phrases of great depth with which one can reflect.

Kafka’s best phrases

The single person apparently resigns himself by his own will and in full life to an empty space, smaller and smaller. And he dies, the coffin is enough for him.

A book must be the ax that breaks the frozen sea within us.

Youth is happy because it has the ability to see beauty. Anyone who retains the ability to see beauty never grows old.

Do not despair, not even for the fact that you do not despair. When all seems over, new forces arise. This means that you live.

If the book we read doesn’t wake us up with a punch to the head, why read it? A book has to be the ax that breaks our frozen sea.

You have to endure lonely imperfection at all times, on the other hand, you do not have to endure shared imperfection.

I’m tired, I can’t think of anything and I just want to put my face in your lap, feel your hand on my head and stay like that for all eternity.

Curiosities of Franz Kafka


His works are partly due to the great loneliness that he lived for years and for this reason he decided to write and read a lot, like Blaise Pascal, Gustav Flaubert and Soren Kierkegaard.


Although rather rare at the time, Kafka appears to have been a vegetarian. And it is seen that he ate vegetarian dishes instead of meat, for ethical and aesthetic reasons.

I study law

Few know that Kafka actually studied law at Charles University in Prague.


The author died in 1924 of tuberculosis disease.


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