NewsAsteroid is hurtling towards earth: will it hit in...

Asteroid is hurtling towards earth: will it hit in 2022?

An asteroid sets course for Earth. Is the world facing a major catastrophe? Experts agree: it could already hit next year.

Washington – The asteroid called 2009JF1 is on its way to Earth at an incredible 59,000 kilometers per hour. Soon it could pose a serious threat – and not fly just past the earth like the “high-rise asteroid”.

authority NASA
founder Dwight D. Eisenhower
head office Washington, DC, United States
founding July 29, 1958, USA

Nasa researchers made a very disturbing discovery in space ten years ago: an asteroid about 15 meters in diameter is approaching Earth. An impact could already occur on May 6, 2022.

Asteroid has 17 times the destructive power of the Hiroshima bomb

That would have devastating effects. Because the object from space with the name 2009JF1 is traveling at 59,000 kilometers per hour. According to NASA, the asteroid would hit with a force of 230,000 tons of TNT. That would correspond to 17 times the destructive power of the Hiroshima bomb.

Dies ist die künstlerische Interpretation eines Asteroidenaufpralls auf der Erde.


This is the artistic interpretation of an asteroid impact on Earth.

European Space Agency adds asteroid to risk list

NASA, which is currently researching possible life on Mars *, has been watching the 2009JF1 very closely for years. The European Space Agency (ESA) has also included it in its risk list. However, it is very unlikely that the asteroid actually collides with the earth. Unless it deviates from its course, which is generally quite possible: the asteroid “Apophis” has just suddenly changed its trajectory, and an impact is threatened.

To do this, 2009JF1 would have to be brought off course by other missiles or gravitational holes, the probability of this being 1: 4000. Nasa and Esa are testing whether asteroids can be pushed out of their orbit.

2009JF1 is likely to fly past Earth

As early as September 2019, a mega asteroid twice the size of the Empire State Building in New York * sped past our planet. The space body 2009JF1 is also likely to fly past Earth. But asteroid impacts are more common than previously thought.

Space agencies are preparing for horror scenarios

Nevertheless, the space authorities are alarmed, a rescue plan from NASA and ESA is already in progress. NASA and ESA are researching to what extent it is possible to repel asteroids. In October 2020, a probe was sent to the Didymos asteroids, which will fly relatively close to Earth – 16 million kilometers away. She is supposed to collect samples from the missiles, as the Esa reports on its website.

Probe is sent to Didymos asteroid

NASA is also doing intensive research: In July 2021, a probe will be sent out as part of the DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) mission, which is to hit Didymos in a controlled manner in 2022. The test is to show whether NASA can divert asteroids from their course. Because: Researchers are certain: the probability that an asteroid will hit the earth at some point is 100 percent.

In 2024, the European Space Agency Eva wants to start its mission called Hera. The probe is scheduled to visit Dimorphos again in early 2027 to measure it more precisely and investigate its composition. * and are offered by IPPEN.MEDIA.

Picture list: © Don Davis

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