NewsLegalization of cannabis: Lauterbach advocates it

Legalization of cannabis: Lauterbach advocates it

More and more parties are in favor of legalizing cannabis in Germany. Now SPD health expert Lauterbach has also positioned himself.

Hamburg – Cannabis is an intoxicant that is based on the natural hemp plant and often leaves consumers with a pleasant and relaxed feeling. However, with regular use, the drug can also cause brain damage and serious psychoses such as schizophrenia – especially in adolescents. That is why the legalization of cannabis in Germany is extremely controversial. Police unions and psychiatrists warn against labeling cannabis as a harmless drug. SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach has now also positioned himself on the debate in a conversation with the "Rheinische Post": Although he had rejected cannabis legalization for years, as a doctor he now comes to a different conclusion, he explains in the interview. * reveals why Lauterbach is now in favor of legalizing cannabis.

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