News66.3 percent fully vaccinated against Corona

66.3 percent fully vaccinated against Corona

The vaccination rate in Germany is increasing only very slowly: According to the Robert Koch Institute, 66.3 percent of the population are now vaccinated against the coronavirus.

Berlin – 66.3 percent of people in Germany are fully vaccinated against the corona virus. That is around 55.1 million people, according to data from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) on Tuesday.

According to this, 76.8 percent of all adults and 40.3 percent of adolescents between 12 and 17 have full vaccination protection. Almost 57.5 million people or 69.2 percent of the total population were vaccinated against corona at least once. 1.6 million people have received a booster vaccination so far.

On average, around 125,000 Covid vaccinations per day were carried out in Germany in the past seven days – on Monday there were 96,000, including around 38,000 second vaccinations and 36,000 booster vaccinations.

The RKI assumes that more people among adults are probably vaccinated than the data suggest. In a report at the beginning of October, for example, it was said that the rate for people who were once and completely vaccinated from the age of 18 could be up to 5 percentage points higher.

The Standing Vaccination Committee recommends booster vaccinations for people aged 70 and over, caregivers and health professionals who have direct contact with patients, people who have received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, and people with weakened immune systems. dpa

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