NewsZoilamérica Narváez, stepdaughter of the satrap: "At age 11...

Zoilamérica Narváez, stepdaughter of the satrap: "At age 11 he abused me and at 15 he raped me"

Among the escorts, everyone knew it. «I can say forcefully that yes, he abused her. It was an open secret. I am risking my life to say this. These are the words of a former bodyguard of the socialist tyrant Daniel Ortega collected in the book El Preso 198 , written by journalist Fabián Medina Sánchez , current editor of the Nicaraguan newspaper La Prensa. ‘She’ is called Zoilamérica Narvaéz Murillo and she is the daughter of the strong woman of Nicaragua, Rosario Murillo and stepdaughter of the Nicaraguan satrap. He had to go into exile in Costa Rica after denouncing his stepfather for rape in 1998 after a traumatic silence of twenty years.

Zoilamérica, who is now 53 years old and is a prestigious sociologist, reported in the trial that she began to be abused by Ortega “when she was barely eleven years old and at fifteen” he raped her. “Daniel Ortega Saavedra raped me in 1982. I don’t remember exactly the day, but I do remember the events. It was in my room, lying on the carpet by himself, where he not only groped me but with aggressive movements and sudden movements he hurt me, I felt a lot of pain and intense cold. I cried and felt nauseous, “he recounted in the trial he faced the communist dictator in 1998.

His testimony is chilling. «Then, when the time progressed and the first manifestations of menstruation appeared to me, I said: ‘You are ready’. Then he would surprise me in dark places to touch me and during my baths he would spy on me over the curtain, hiding my underwear and joking with her ”.

Zoilamérica had the courage to confront the man with the most power in Nicaragua and relate his ordeal in great detail. «He ejaculated on my body to avoid risk of pregnancy, and he continued doing so repeatedly; my mouth, my legs and breasts were the areas where he most used to pour his semen, despite my disgust and disgust. He dirty my body, he used it as he wanted without caring what I felt or thought. The most important thing was his pleasure, he ignored my pain ”.

Her mother, the bloodthirsty Rosa Murillo , preferred to look the other way and be an accomplice of her daughter’s sexual predator, to whom she even told her that her stepfather’s rapes were “her revolutionary contribution to the warrior’s rest.”

«I am afraid of my mother. A person with such an obsession for power is capable of anything “, confessed Zoila. Nicaraguan justice also turned its back on him. The case slept four years in a drawer until in 2001, surprisingly, it was solved in just a week.

“Ortega appeared in court to answer my claim four years after I had filed it, and he did so four years later because that was when he felt in total control of the courts,” recalls Zoilamérica in an interview with the BBC .

Judge Juana Méndez , a former Sandinista guerrilla of peasant origin and Ortega to the core, dismissed Ortega definitively in December 2001 for “prescription of the criminal action that the defense argued.”

After the complaint, Zoilamérica had to go to Costa Rica. At her request, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights closed the case in 2008. “I am a civilian dead, and now all I want is peace. My truth remains intact. It is intact in the memory of the people.

Nicaraguan Bianca Jagger , ex-wife of The Rolling Stones singer and today a political activist in favor of freedom in her country, summed it up better than anyone: “Daniel Ortega is an outcast, a criminal, an unscrupulous pedophile who is willing to murdering children and sending women and men to rape. We cannot accept that he remains in power, ”he declared at a meeting organized by the Fundación Libertad in September 2020.

“It is sad that 40 years after we got rid of the Somozas we have Daniel Ortega and his bloodthirsty regime, with persecution, tyranny and corruption, which is exactly what the Somozas used during their period in power.”

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