Tech UPTechnologyApple's electric car, speculation or reality?

Apple's electric car, speculation or reality?

Before advertisements for its products began to flood all the media, social networks, and street furniture, Apple used to be known for its ability to wow the world. The history of keynote speeches at their events has been littered with major announcements, from the PowerBook G4 in 2001 to the Apple Watch in 2014. But how likely is Tim Cook to announce something groundbreaking again at a future event? Manzana? The only thing left for the tech giant is to open the curtain and an electric car appears.

Possible opening to the automotive market

In fact, this is a rumor that has persisted for years and has recently gained even more appeal. Apple may have an eye on the auto industry for one obvious reason, and that is that the auto industry is the largest consumer industry out there today, and technology connectivity is growing. “For more than a decade, analysts They have been claiming that electric cars will essentially become computers on wheels, in the same way that mobile phones became pocket computers.

Another reason for Apple to move to cars is that since they have mastered the spirit of the age of attractive consumer durables, presumably there will be many fairly high-ranking people within the organization who could Think of this as the logical next step in expanding your business .

It seems quite logical that, as the technology market is developing in recent years, Apple begins to look at four wheels as the next step to explore. In fact, as early as 2014, several leaked documents about a possible prototype of Apple’s electric car appeared for the first time, codenamed Titan. But that has been seven long years and nothing has been heard again, what happened to that project?

There are several experts and technological analysts who refer to the subject as “the Loch Ness monster of the automotive industry”, since every time a news appears that there will be an Apple electric car, it automatically loses track, as in Nessie. We have seen it for ten years. If a story has been around for ten years without anything coming to fruition, it is quite possible that that story will never come true.

Apple probably never makes cars

In part, it is due to a purely practical question: making cars is difficult and Apple does not yet have the technical know-how to be able to compete with big brands like Tesla. To enter the market, you would also need the help of an established component manufacturer, which requires that you would have to try to find a place in an industry that is very overprotective of your interests. Apple is also not well known for being the most recommended business partner. Intel, which was one of its main partners, was abandoned without qualms by the multinational.

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