NewsHelene Fischer: Bitter news for Schlager-Queen now official

Helene Fischer: Bitter news for Schlager-Queen now official

Schlager-Queen Helene enjoys her family happiness as a new mother. But professionally, she has to cope with a setback.

Bad Gastein – privately, Schlager-Queen Helene Fischer * could not be better at the moment: she has been in a relationship with dancer Thomas Seitel * since 2018, now the two have become parents for the first time. According to media reports, the newborn daughter is said to have been named after a Disney character and is said to be called Nala*.

While the pop star, as a freshly baked mother, apparently lingers in baby happiness, she also has to cope with a professional setback. Because like many artists, musicians and cultural workers, you are once again putting a spanner in the works with the corona virus *.

Helene Fischer: Bitter news from Schlager-Star now official

Due to the current corona situation, her fans may have already feared it: Helene Fischer has to postpone her planned concert in Bad Gastein in Austria for the third time. The organizer Leutgeb Entertainment announced this via Facebook. Accordingly, the live event has to be postponed from April 8, 2022 to October 1, 2022 due to the ongoing corona pandemic. Pop singer Melissa Naschenweng should play in the opening act.

Video: Florian Silbereisen: This moment with Helene Fischer still moves him today

Organizer Klaus Leutgeb justified this decision by saying that the safety and health of all participants and concert-goers was paramount. In addition, “there is absolutely no planning security for the thousands of fans,” Leutgeb continued.

Helene Fischer: The most important information about the Schlager Queen

  • Name: Helene Fischer
  • Born August 15, 1984 in Krasnoyarsk (Russia)
  • Profession: Schlager singer
  • Well-known songs*: “Breathless”, “Always feel this fever”, “Achterbahn”
  • Partner: Thomas Seitel (as of January 2022)

Helene Fischer has to postpone the concert – but she is not the only one

The hit queen is not the only one affected. The punk rock band “Die Ärzte” also had to move their concert in Bad Gastein from April 2nd to September 15th due to the corona. (jbr) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

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