NewsCorona update from the palace: Queen Margrethe can breathe...

Corona update from the palace: Queen Margrethe can breathe easy

Queen Margrethe tested positive for the corona virus a few days ago, fortunately there is now good news about her health.

Copenhagen – The corona reports in royal circles have rolled over in the last few days thanks to the increasing incidence. Several royal houses, including Denmark, had to report a corona case within the palace and castle walls. Queen Margrethe II (81) was infected with the corona virus last week.

The ongoing pandemic has already put a sudden end to many a travel plan, Queen Margrethe’s winter vacation also fell through due to her corona disease. The regent wanted to treat herself to a nearly two-week break in Norway, but instead of fjords and mountains, she got to see her own four walls at Amalienborg Palace. After her positive test result, the 81-year-old who had been vaccinated three times went to Palais Christian IX. In isolation, but she has now survived the corona quarantine.* reveals which highlight appointment Queen Margrethe will complete next.

“After a mild course with COVID-19, a doctor has determined today that Her Majesty The Queen can end her isolation,” the palace announced succinctly on its website. The supporters of the Danish royal family had previously worried about the monarch, but she was spared a serious illness – as were her daughter-in-law Crown Princess Mary (50) and her grandson Prince Christian (16). The latter had already contracted the corona virus in December 2020, and about a year later his mother Mary also got it. * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

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