NewsUSA: father shoots his children in church

USA: father shoots his children in church

A man shoots five people in a Sacramento church. Among the victims are the children of the shooter.

Sacramento – There has been another armed attack in the United States. As media reports, a man shot at least four people in a church in Sacramento, California, and then killed himself. Among the fatalities are three children, all under the age of 15, the US broadcaster CNN reported, among others. The shooter is said to be the father. The crime happened on Monday (local time).

The Los Angeles Times, citing Sacramento County Sheriff Scott Jones, said the incident was initially believed to have happened during a supervised meeting between the father and the children at church. The fifth fatality is said to be an adult supervisor, a spokesman for the local sheriff’s office was quoted as saying. It was initially unclear what relationship she had to the church or family.

Sacramento (USA) – Governor: “Another senseless act of gun violence in America”

The children’s mother is alive and in contact with authorities, the Los Angeles Times further quoted Jones as saying. According to media reports, the parents lived separately. According to the information, other people were in the church at the time of the crime. How many was initially unclear. Initially, there was no information about injuries. It was also initially unclear whether a service was being held at the time of the shooting. A church worker heard the shots and called the police, they said.

Schüsse in Kirche in Kalifornien - Mehrere Tote


A Sacramento County Sheriff’s Deputy deploys police tape blocking the road leading to a church where a deadly shooting occurred with multiple victims, in Sacramento.

“Another senseless act of gun violence in America,” California Governor Gavin Newsom tweeted. “In a church where there were children. Absolutely devastating,” he continued, expressing his condolences to the victims and families of the attack. (lz/dpa)

List of rubrics: © Rich Pedroncelli/dpa

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