EconomyFinancialAvianca increased its operation to Miami with 30 weekly...

Avianca increased its operation to Miami with 30 weekly flights

In addition to Miami, travelers have seven more destinations in the United States: New York, Orlando, Washington, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Avianca announced this Friday that it is strengthening its operation to Miami with direct flights and more than 30 weekly frequencies from different cities in the region. Thus, customers have 14 frequencies from Bogotá, two from Barranquilla, three from Medellín, seven from Managua, three from San Salvador and since May 27, three frequencies from Cali.

“In line with our vision, we continue to strengthen the operation and service in the places where travelers require it. That is why they have a varied portfolio of itineraries to different cities in the United States, ”said Silvia Mosquera, Avianca's chief commercial officer, in a statement.

The airline also mentioned that those who travel from Colombia and El Salvador with L and XXL rates have the PCR or antigen test service included in the rate, "and those who buy tickets at other rates can also access discounts to perform the test." Mosquera added.

In addition, the company resumes the direct route Bogotá-Fort Lauderdale-Bogotá from June 1. Thus, Avianca's operation in the United States includes eight destinations in total, with the provision of more than 94 frequencies and 15,500 seats per week.

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