NewsFlavio Briatore meets Leni Klum – fans especially admire...

Flavio Briatore meets Leni Klum – fans especially admire ex Elisabetta Gregoraci

Created: 08/07/2022 1:03 p.m

Leni Klum, Flavio Briatore und Elisabetta Gregoraci.
Flavio Briatore meets Leni Klum, but fans especially admire ex Elisabetta Gregoraci. © NurPhoto/Imago; United Archives International/Imago; Collage: Sabrina Wagner/RUHR24

Flavio Briatore saw his daughter Leni Klum again on Capri. But fans especially admire his ex Elisabetta Gregoraci. Read more here:

Leni Klum (18) and her father Flavio Briatore (72) live in different countries and rarely see each other. Now a sensational photo has appeared in which the two can be seen together. However, fans are particularly enthusiastic about Flavio Briatore’s ex Elisabetta Gregoraci (42), who is also in the joint photo of Flavio and Leni.

Flavio Briatore shared a photo with his two children Leni Klum and Nathan Falco Briatore (12) on Instagram. His ex-wife Elisabetta Gregoraci can also be seen on it. The manager’s fans are enthusiastic about the photo and especially praise Elisabetta Gregoraci, who, in addition to her son, also spends time with her ex-husband and the daughter of him and Heidi Klum (49). They swarm under the post between the good relationship, which apparently still exists despite the separation.

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