NewsQueen Elizabeth: Doctors worried about the Queen's health

Queen Elizabeth: Doctors worried about the Queen's health

Created: 09/08/2022, 3:10 p.m

Big concerns about Queen Elizabeth II: The Queen is in poor health and has to cancel her appointments. The palace reports.

London – Queen Elizabeth II’s health is currently poor. Doctors are concerned, Buckingham Palace announced on Thursday (September 8th).

“Following a further assessment this morning, the Queen’s doctors are concerned about Her Majesty’s health and have recommended that she remain under medical observation,” a palace spokesman said. The 96-year-old monarch will remain at her country estate in Balmoral Castle, Scotland.

Queen Elizabeth II: Concerns about her health – family on the way to the queen

Her son and heir to the throne Prince Charles, his wife Camilla and Prince William are on their way to visit Elizabeth II, the spokesman said. Harry and Meghan are also said to have made the trip to the Scottish country estate.

Die Gesundheit der Queen bereitet Ärzten aktuell große Sorgen.
The health of the Queen is currently causing doctors great concern. © Jane Barlow/dpa

It was only on Wednesday that the Queen had to cancel her participation in a virtual meeting of her Privy Council. The day before, she had first received Boris Johnson, who handed in his resignation, and immediately afterwards Liz Truss, who appointed her as the new Prime Minister. It was a full day, said a spokesman to justify the cancellation on Wednesday. At the beginning of this year there were major concerns about the Queen: she had been infected with Corona. (asc/dpa)

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