Tech UPTechnologyThey present a flying bike that reaches 100 km...

They present a flying bike that reaches 100 km / h

From Star Wars to real life. The newly introduced new flying bike has not been classified as an aircraft and therefore does not require a license to pilot it. Its debut comes at a time when the main technology companies are betting on the possibility that citizens adopt the use of robotic air taxis as natural.

How much?

The Japanese company Aerwins has presented its Xturismo “hoverbike ” at the Detroit Auto Show and, regarding its availability, the company has announced that it is already on sale in Japan and a smaller version will be ready for sale next year in United States and at the end of it in Europe. Its price is 770,000 dollars (777,588 euros, at the exchange rate).

Electric version?

The company is also looking to make a smaller electric model by 2025 for just $50,000, which is pretty good for a craft that can actually fly, albeit for a short period.

your figures

  • weighs 300 kilograms
  • It measures 3.7 meters long, 2.4 meters wide and 1.5 meters high.
  • It has a battery and a combustion engine.
  • It has an autonomy that allows it to fly for 40 kilometers
  • Reaches 100 km/hour

The flying bike comes very well equipped: It uses two large center rotors powered by a 228hp Kawasaki gas-powered motorcycle performance engine for thrust, as well as four smaller electric prop rotors on the outer edges of the vehicle for extra power. greater stability.

Reference: Detroit Auto Show 2022

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