NewsToo little vaccine from general practitioners: is Hamburg hoarding...

Too little vaccine from general practitioners: is Hamburg hoarding Biontech for schoolchildren?

Hamburg's family doctors are again complaining about too little vaccine. The suspicion: is Hamburg putting masses of Biontech vaccines aside for schoolchildren?

Hamburg – Compared to other federal states, Hamburg lags behind when it comes to vaccinating against Corona. While the vaccination rate in Germany is 40.3, it is only 38.4 in Hamburg. On June 7, 2021, the vaccination prioritization of Hamburg's general practitioners should nevertheless be lifted *. Immediately after it became known, this project caused criticism from the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians. It would be particularly difficult for people who do not have a family doctor. Especially when the vaccination center in the exhibition halls only carries out second vaccinations.

The fact that the family doctors in Hamburg cannot cope with the rush of vaccinations is mainly due to the scarce vaccine, it said on the part of the KV. And now it's getting even thicker. In the coming days, around 40 percent less vaccine from the manufacturer Biontech will reach general practitioners. Why? The KV is certain: The government is hoarding the vaccine for the students *. * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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