NewsAssociations warn of lockdown consequences

Associations warn of lockdown consequences

Do Germans eat and move differently in the corona pandemic than they did before the crisis? A study shows: There are not only differences between men and women, but also between young and old.

Munich (dpa) – Closed sports studios, all day in the home office and in between quickly the pizza in the oven.

“Under Corona, the lifestyle and quality of life of many people have deteriorated,” said the head of the Else Kröner Fresenius Center for Nutritional Medicine (EKFZ), Hans Hauner. Men, young people and people who had weight problems before the pandemic were particularly affected. Associations warn of the consequences.

Around 40 percent of the participants in a survey have put on weight since the beginning of the pandemic – an average of 5.6 kilograms. In addition, around one in two moves less than before. “This mainly affects the 18 to 44 year olds,” said Hauner.

The survey was carried out by the EKFZ at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) together with the opinion research institute Forsa. Around 1000 adults were asked about their eating habits and body weight in the past few months.

It is also noticeable that especially people with an already elevated body mass index (BMI) increased in the pandemic. “Corona is fueling the obesity pandemic,” said the expert. In return, obesity is also seen as a driver of the Covid 19 pandemic. Because with the BMI, the risk of getting seriously ill with Corona increases. “This creates a vicious circle from the interplay between corona and obesity.”

In addition, 52 percent of people now move less than they did before the crisis. The respondents named closed gyms or less exercise in everyday life as possible reasons. Here, too, it can be seen that while 60 percent of people with a BMI over 30 did less exercise than before during the pandemic, it was only 40 percent for people with a BMI under 20.

A development that worries the German Sports Medical Association. “Overweight people in particular are among those who often have the toughest disease courses,” said sports medicine specialist Klaus-Michael Braumann from the University of Hamburg. These people are often characterized by a weakened immune system. He therefore promotes exercise and physical activity. “This is how messenger substances are formed in the body that positively stabilize the immune system and thus protect it from severe processes.” Movement is also essential for motor development.

In contrast, the eating behavior of Germans has changed less. Around two thirds eat the way they did before the Corona crisis. A good one in four stated in the survey to eat more out of boredom or to indulge in more snacks. “And: The people who eat more prefer unhealthy products such as fast food, sweets or sugary drinks,” said Hauner.

Even if little has changed in terms of diet, the data on weight gain support a need for action, said Oliver Huizinga of the consumer organization Foodwatch. “Effective measures against obesity are more important than ever.” Among other things, his demand: a limo tax.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210602-99-837019 / 3


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