News"We The People": New Obamas film project

"We The People": New Obamas film project

Former US presidential couple Barack and Michelle Obama collaborate with prominent singers and artists on a Netflix series with a political message.

Los Angeles (AP) – Michelle and Barack Obama are bringing out an animation series for children with a political message with their production company Higher Ground.

For “We The People” he and his wife could have won some of their favorite artists and great animators, wrote ex-President Obama on Twitter. The result is much better than the material they once had in school.

The Netflix series included singers and artists such as HER, Janelle Monáe, Andra Day, Adam Lambert, Lin-Manuel Miranda and the poet Amanda Gorman. The ten animated music videos revolve around topics such as civil and women’s rights. The series premieres on July 4th, US Independence Day.

The former US presidential couple has been working with the streaming service Netflix since 2018. With their projects, they say they want to change the way we see the world and achieve more solidarity. In 2019, her first film, “American Factory”, was released. The documentary about the closure of a car factory in the US state of Ohio and the social consequences for employees won an Oscar.

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