NewsJoe Biden goes on a birthday bike ride with...

Joe Biden goes on a birthday bike ride with wife Jill

US President Joe Biden has many important decisions to make right now. But what could be more important than his first lady's birthday ?!

Rehoboth Beach / Washington (dpa) – For the 70th birthday of his wife Jill, US President Joe Biden took a short break from his official duties at government headquarters in Washington on Thursday.

The Bidens spent the day at sea in their home state of Delaware, in the beach town of Rehoboth Beach. The president is of course always on duty, but had no public appointments on Thursday.

At noon (local time), he and the first lady went on a bike ride in a nearby park. With helmets, sneakers and T-shirts, the two of them cycled along a hiking trail, accompanied by security guards from the Secret Service.

According to the spokesman for Jill Biden, the couple spent the day at Rehoboth Beach as a couple – with no family or friends. The Bidens are celebrating their 44th wedding anniversary this year.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210603-99-853253 / 3

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