FunWorld Environment Day 2021: Origin and why it is...

World Environment Day 2021: Origin and why it is celebrated

How important it is to take care of the environment and how important it is to be aware of it so that, like every June 5, today World Environment Day is celebrated, from which we explain how it originated and how it will be celebrated in 2021 .

World Environment Day 2021: Origin and why it is celebrated

June 5 is World Environment Day or WED (which is the acronym in English for World Environment Day) which is an international event that unites the different countries of the Earth in an effort to preserve the natural ecosystem.

World Environment Day and was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972 , in memory of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment, during which the United Nations Environment Program (known for the acronym UNEP, United Nations Environment Program). .

UNEP is an international organization that has set itself the objective of promoting serious environmental protection and the sustainable use of natural resources, by subsidizing research initiatives in animal and plant protection, and “green” projects that combine productivity with respect for nature (an example of this could be the reduction of pollution in factories and the use of recyclable materials).

The theme of World Environment Day 2021

On the occasion of today’s celebration on June 5, the organizers have decided that this year the host country where the main events will take place will be Pakistan and the chosen theme – in addition to the inevitable focus on air pollution and climate change – is the ” Restoring ecosystems”.

With this conference, which among other things will officially inaugurate the United Nations Decade for the Restoration of Ecosystems, which aims to reactivate billions of hectares of forested and maritime areas, the need to follow virtuous examples such as that of the country itself is reaffirmed. host, which has already successfully completed the ambitious 2014 project (renamed the ‘Billion Tree Tsunami’) for the reforestation of vast areas of its territory and has recently launched a new platform (Ecosystem Restoration Fund) to create and promote the protection of biodiversity and the creation of green jobs.

The organizers have also made available online a Practical Guide for World Environment Day 2021 that contains elements to reflect on and suggestions to promote the flourishing of nature on our planet.

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